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3RD POV (6 years old)
You looked out the window of the moving car that you were in with your parents, you looked at your parents then back at the window. You felt the car stop and your parents got out in front of a big building with people in white coats standing in front of it "Come here, sweetie.....these nice people are going to take care of you for a while" Your mother said taking your hand and bringing you to the people "Where are you going, mommy?" You asked looking at your mother as she pushed you towards the people in front of you "Me and daddy have to go somewhere" your mother simply answered before going back into the car where your father was in and leaving you with the people.

You watched as your parents left out of your eyes sight then turned around to face the people with white coats "Let's get inside shall we" a man said grabbing your hand and basically dragged you inside of the building.

I walked out of the asylum with my bloody knife and having an insane smile on my face, I just killed everyone in that disgusting place! "Now time to get revenge on mom and dad" I said insanely then pulled up my mask over my mouth (the picture in the previous chapter) and started to run down the road that leads into my hometown. I pulled up my hoodie as I ran down the street finding a faster way back to my house, I spotted my home and started to get out my knife then started to head towards it.

I stopped right in front of the house and saw the lights on, so I peeked inside to see my father sitting on the couch watching TV and saw my mother coming in with a younger girl who ran up to my father and I can also hear their voices "Daddy! Who's this?" I heard the girl asked showing a picture with me in it making my mother and father stiffen "That's no one, Maddie (sorry if you have it as Reader-chan!)" I heard my father said then I smirked and headed towards the door then kicked the door down making everyone in the house jump.

I looked at my mother and father as they got up and came in front of the girl "Who Are You!!?" My father shouted at me making me chuckle "Who wouldn't it be...... Your own Daughter that you left in that disgusting place called an asylum for 10 goddamn years!!!" I shouted at them and their eyes widen "(Y-Y/n)!..... H-how?.." My mother asked having her hand over her mouth making me smirk "Let's just say...... The asylum is now abandoned now..." I said coming towards them with my knife in hand. I could hear the little girl crying and I stabbed my mother in the chest making her scream in pain then I stabbed my father in the neck, letting them fall to the ground.

I looked at the girl who was looking at me in fear "Now how about you join them" I said before stabbing her in the heart, I pulled out the knife from her chest letting her fall to the ground and saw the pools of blood mixed with my mothers, fathers and sisters blood. I smirked and pulled down my mask and licked the knifes blade cover in blood, I walked out of the house to find gasoline in the shed behind the house. I grabbed a match and the gasoline then started to pour gasoline everywhere inside the house and once I came back outside with an empty gasoline tub, in lit the match and started to walk away from the house then threw the match behind me letting it hit a puddle of gasoline making the house go on fire. I stopped and smirked as my home burning down with the corpses of my parents and sister inside burning, I continued to walk pulling up the mask and headed back to the asylum again, my new home, my new hunting ground. My left eye was bleeding (F/c) liquid that was my condition.

I finally arrived back at the asylum and stopped at the entrance then turned around to see red, orange, yellow light coming from the distance making me chuckle insanely as I turned around to walk inside, that chuckle turned from a chuckle to a maniacal laugh. I walked down to my cell room and sat down on my bed to look up at a picture of my mother and father with younger me, I got out a red marker and marked out mom and dad's head with a big X. I laid down looking at the ceiling then my eyes started to close, I went to sleep with an insane smile on my face.

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