Chapter 2- SuSpIcIoN In ThE pAsTa

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It's been a few months since Sally met you and she's been coming home very late at night. When she wakes up its like 12 in the afternoon or so and everyone in the Manor is starting to get suspicious about her, Slenderman is starting to wonder what she is doing at night making her so sleepy in the day. It's a normal day as usual, Masky and Hoodie are having cheesecake while Toby is eating his waffles and annoying Masky. Jeff was arguing with Jane again and Lj was laughing at them. Basically everyone is doing they're own thing. Slender was sitting in his chair as a soft pair of feet comes down the stairs "Morning everyone" everyone turned their heads to see a still sleepy Sally holding her teddy bear and rubbing her eyes.

"Sally! Finally your up!!" Ben said pausing his game and looks at Sally, she looked up showing her dark bags and smiled sleepily "Sorry I had a pretty good dream and I slept in" she said and walked to the couch where Ben was sitting along with Ej and Smile dog. She sat down and yawned 'Why have you been sleeping late, Sally?' Slender asked looking up from his newspaper. Sally shrugged and played with her teddy bear, everyone looked at each other and Jeff and Jane stopped fighting. They all shook it off and continued to do what they're doing until Jeff and Jane started to fight again and Masky doing the same thing with Toby.

I sighed as I sat in a rusty metal chair at the entrance of my hunting ground. Sally always comes when the sun goes down but she didn't came and the sun is already down and I'm getting impatient. 'Maybe I should visit her at her place' I thought then smirked before getting up and walked out, getting my mask up and my hood over my head. I closed the doors and locked them since I don't want anyone and I mean ANYONE coming in my hunting ground to search for me. I put the key in my boot and started to run to the forest edge. I chuckled 'I'll get to see where you live now Sally'.

It took me about a few minutes to get to the spot I always drop off Sally at, I looked around and walked down the path she goes. It was foggy and reminded me of the legend of the man with no face but I know he is real since insanity came all over me. I heard something actually someone talking and coming my way making me go into the bushes and I climbed up a tree, I saw two people walking down the path. One was wearing a yellow jacket with pocket in the front and had a white mask with black lips while the other was wearing a orange hoodie and had a black mask with a red sad face. They were talking about something but I don't give a shit about it, once they were far enough I jumped down from the tree and quickly ran where they came from. I saw a- DAMN!!! Sally Lives In A Manor!! I was surprised by the Manor in front of me.

I saw that the lights were on and I looked around to see a big ass tree next to the Manor making me smirk more. I climbed it and went on the branch that was close to the roof, I hopped on the roof and quietly walked on the roof and looked through the windows trying to find Sally's room. I noticed all the rooms I've looked in had their lights off and had someone inside asleep or had their back turn to me but until I saw one room with a light on and Sally inside. I knocked on the window making her jump and look at me, I waved a bit and she smiled before hopping off her bed and went to the window. She opened it "(Y/N)!!" She squealed and I put my finger on my mask where my lips are and shushed her making her giggle."... Can I come in?..." I asked and she nodded and I hopped in her room, I looked around to it was pink and stained with blood. I hummed and sat on her bed "I'm sorry I didn't come like I always do..... Daddy said I have to stay home and get into my usual routine" Sally said and I nodded "It's okay..... Dads are really butts ya know" I said and she giggled "Now, I brought some toys" I pulled out a medium bag fill with the toys Sally plays with and don't ask how I hid them. Sally smiled widely "THANK YOU!!THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!!" I was tackled into a hug and I fell on the floor with a loud thud, hopefully no one heard.

Everyone perk their heads up once they heard Sally saying Thank You over and over again and hearing a loud thud. "What was that?" Jeff asked looking up at the stairs and Slender shrugged. "STOP!!! IM GOING TO DIE!!" They all started to panick once they heard Sally shouted 'Someone go up there and see what Sally is doing!' Slender said and Jeff stood up and ran up the stairs holding his knife in his hand "(Y-AHHH!!!" Sally screamed and Jeff finally after climbing up the stairs made it to Sally's room and slammed open the door to see no one except Sally sitting on her bed, hugging her teddy bear. Jeff came in and looked around "What's wrong Jeff?" She asked looking at him as he slowly walks around her room "Was...... Was anyone here with you?" He asked and Sally shook her head.

"No.... No one was her except you, Jeff" she answered and he looked at her before looking around again and sighed "Alright... Just go to bed already" he said before closing the door behind him. Sally could hear his footsteps go down the hallway and couldn't hear anymore then she quickly hopped off her bed and went to her closet and opened the door to show you all cramped up in the closet then fell out. You groaned and stood up again "Was it really necessary for me to hide in your closet?" You asked rubbing your back and Sally nodded "Sorry... But I panicked!!" You sighed and cracked your back. You sighed in relief then looked at Sally "Well... How about you tell me who else lives here?" You asked and she nodded but little did you know you both were being watched.

Who is this guy? Was he the one that created that loud thud? Seriously Who Is This Guy!! I watched the guy who was sitting on the ground looking at Sally "Well.... Daddy is the boss in the Manor and there is Hoodie, Masky and Toby-" "Hold on a minute...... I think I saw that Hoodie and Masky guy walking outside when I was up in a tree" the guy said and Sally giggled. I looked at them from a small crack in the door "then there's Jeff, Ben, Ej, Lj, Jane, Smile Dog, Grinny, Clockwork and some others but they come out at night" Sally finished and the guy nodded before standing up "Well... I'll see you tomorrow night Sally" he said and I narrowed my eyes before standing back and kick the door open making Sally and the guy freeze.

"Who The Fuck Are You?!" I shouted pointing my knife at the guy who turned around to face me, he was wearing a black hoodie, black pants, black boots and had a mask that had the bottom half of a skull and I couldn't see his eyes. I growled and I came closer to the guy and my knife was almost near his nose, he grabbed something and pulled it out and I laughed. It was the smallest knife or dagger I ever seen!! I laughed until I felt something poke my chin making look at it to see the small knife blade grew "Shit" I whispered to myself and a small snickered came from the guy.

I growled and pushed my knife near his nose and he pushed the knife closer to my chin making blood come out " I'll say it again...... WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" I shouted before I was kicked in the stomach making me fly back out of Sally's room and collided with the wall. I guess everyone heard because they were coming to me 'JEFF!! What Happened!' Slender asked and I pointed at the guy who kicked me away "Asked That Asshole!!" I shouted before standing up and ran towards the guy again. I was going to stabbed him but he tripped me, he TRIPPED me before running to Sally's window before he could go out the window, he stopped and looked back and pulled down his mask and smirked "Sally...... I hope I get to see you again at Scarborough Fair" he said before pulling up his mask and ran off the roof. I looked at Sally who was smiling and still looking at the window 'Who was that asshole? And how did he know Sally that well?' I questioned myself as I looked back at everyone who was doing the same.

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