Chapter 10- YoUr HeRe...

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[THIRD POV] (A little of lemon at the beginning hehe)

A growl came within (Y/n)'s stomach as she walked down a trail, she stopped and sighed. She finally had gotten away from her fathers arms and her fiancés constant begging for attention. She grumbles incoherent words as she rubbed her feet from the pain that the heels she wears. Luckily she decided to dress up so she could go for a kill. She sighed once again before continuing to walk down the trail. "Stupid Father. Stupid dumb idiot." She started to ramble as she marched her way somewhere. She stopped again when hearing loud faint laughter in the distant making her smirk "Oh how perfect~" she cooed as she licked her lips, her sharp K-9s sparkled in the moonlight before she went into a full sprint towards the laughter. She was pretty quick in heels if I do say so myself. She squatted down behind some bushes and peered over the bushes to see about five drunken men sitting around a campfire, she smirks and decided to put her "innocent" act on. "E-Excuse me.... Do you know where am I?" She asked making herself known and the men turn their heads to her and immediately started checking her out. She mentally shivered as she felt their eyes gazing her body like prey. Of course she was dressed like a stripper but she could've taken the hat off. One of the men stood up and made his way towards her, stumbling a bit here and there "W-Well.... W-Why don't you *hic* h-have a few beers w-with us, sexy~" he said wrapping his arm around her waist, his hand slowly traveled down and squeezed her ass making her want to punch him but she kept her cool.

The man lead her and made her sit in between two of the other men as he gets her a beer. The two men grinned and looked at her, not really questioning about her dark appearance since they were too drunk to even notice. A beer was chunk towards (Y/n) and she caught it making some of the men whistle "She's a *hic* keeper!" One of the men yelled and fell backwards to the ground. All (Y/n) did was rolls her eyes and popped the cap off and took a swig. "So.... What's a pretty girl like you *hic* doing out here~?" The man to her right asked looking at her bosom as she took another swig and let out a satisfying sigh, looking straight at the moon. "I'm lost. I was wondering if any of you boys can help me." She said slowly turning her gaze towards him and leaned in. She was in disgust when smelling the horrible of alcohol in his breath. She put on a cheeky smile and pulled away and took another swig. The men were in a trace by her seductive appearance. Her wearing a black tight looking corset and black army trousers, with fingerless gloves and a hat along with a pair of heels. She placed down the now empty beer bottle and stood up slowly, she made her way to sit down in one of the men's lap, caressing his cheeks and looking into his eyes. Her hands travels down his cheeks to his arms "My~... Aren't you all muscle~ Why don't we have a little fun~? Just the two of us~" she cooed giving a small squeeze on the man's bicep. He gulped and watched as she gets up and walks into the cabin that was behind them, her hips swaying.

The man followed her, like a puppy and its owner. She walks upstairs, giggling seductively. The man was swearing now. (Y/n) opens the door and took off her hat and gloves, she glanced behind her and turned around. With the man right behind her, she grabbed his hand and pulled him into the room, throwing him on the bed and pounced on him. "Tell me cutie~ what's your name before we begin~?" She asked sitting up on his lap, staring down at him as he stares at her bosom then back at her. "J-Jim..." He answers and she giggles. She smiles "Such an adorable name~" she cooes before she gets off of him and takes off her heels, Jim slowly sits up. She hums a small tune and stands up "I'll be right back~" she walks to the bathroom and out of Jim's sight. Jim waits and immediately the blood in his face goes down to his lower region when he saw (Y/n) coming out, her pants were gone and she smirks as she slowly walks over to him. She crawls on the bed and sat on his lap again "Wanna do the honors~?" She asked taking his hand and placed it on the zipper of the corset. Jim blushes and nods, gripping the small metal with his fingers and started to pull it slowly. (Y/n) watched in amusement before her eyes widen slightly when sensing a too well familiar aura before she went back to seducing the man beneath her. She gave a smirk down at him when she felt him grope her breasts then she leaned in, giving light kisses on his cheekbone and neck. He shivered when he felt her warm breath against her ear and her tongue licked the rim of his ear "But.... It's a lItTlE tOo LaTe~" His eyes widen as he opened his mouth but nothing came out because he was in too much fear, his eyes soon went dull and dead. (Y/n) gave his lifeless body a evil grin as she held his bleeding heart, she gave a insane giggle and let go of the heart. She licks the blood off off her hand and puts back on her pants, zip up her corset and wrapped her gloves back on. She grabbed her hat off the ground and walked down to the front door.

"You know, you can stop following me everywhere I go." She sneered walking out of cabin, glaring at the person in front of her with the bodies of the men around him. "Well I can't have my bride doing it with other men before me." He said frowning deeply as (Y/n) grabs a beer from the open cooler. "Shut the fuck up." He gasped dramatically "A lady shouldn't swear! It's not ladylike!" He asked all dramatic which he earned a flick of the finger. (Y/n) turned around and started walking away from the still talking demon behind her, grumbling. The demon blinked when noticing that (Y/n) wasn't there "Hey! Wait for me! Or wait up!" He called running after her.


After a few hours past, (Y/n) was finally alone and was covered in blood. She just killed about two more groups of drunken people. She sighed in relief as she leaned against a tree "That was fun~" she giggled but soon deadpanned at the mess that she created. She looked at the glistening water in front of her before she sighed "I guess I have to take a quick bath..." She muttered and walked over to the water, she kicks off her heels and takes off her gloves then hat before stripping down into her undergarments and jumped into the cold water. She resurfaced with the gasp of air, she smiles a bit to herself and enjoyed the water around her. A twig snapped behind her making her turn her head slightly but soon continued bathing. "Ouch! Fuck! My knee!" A voice yelled behind her as she got out. She turned herself towards the voice to see a boy on the ground, kissing the dirt. She noticed he was wearing a white hoodie that had old blood stains on hit, he also had pitch black pants and black converse that seen better days. She watches him as he groaned and slowly sat up. But the strange thing is, he had a slit smile and no eyelids which made her think he was a pervert.

She covered her bosom and threw one of heels at him when she caught him staring "Ouch!! What The Hell Was That For!" He yelled holding his head where the heel hit him. "Pervert!" She screamed at him before grabbing her clothes and put them on, the boy watched her and was like in a daze. She turns to look at him, snow blue eyes stared into (e/c)&(f/c) eyes. Not moving a muscle. The wind blows gently, creating a very dramatic affect.

"... Your here..."

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