Chapter 3- EnCoUnTeR

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Everyone was sitting around the living room, it's been over 10 hours since this mysterious person was in Sally's room and attacked me and jumped out of Sally's window and went into the night. But Damn! He's kicks hard! I sitting on the couch with my knife in my jacket pocket, Slender grounded Sally from going out outside until she gets into her usual routine. I had Smile Dog on left and Ben on my right, I had a pretty bad bruise where the guy kicked me in stomach. Slender came in with his hand on his chin 'Sally, who was that in your room last night?' Slender asked looking at Sally who was playing with LJ's hair as he sucks on a lollipop.

She giggles and looks at him "A Friend!!" She answers before twirling one of LJ's black locks, I narrowed my eyes "Well That friend of yours is going to get his ass kicked by me!!" I said getting out my knife and pointing it at her. She looked at me before laughing and that made LJ laugh "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I Don't Why I'm Laughing But I Am!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA??!" He said laughing loudly and I groaned in irritation. I stood up "I'm going on a killing spree" I said still in irritation as I walked to the door, I'm glad I'm leaving! I need some alone time and a killing spree would help me clear my damn insane mind.

The sun was already down and the moon was full so it'll be easy to find my targets. I pulled my hood up and made my way into the woods, I grumbled about how I am going to kill that friend of Sally's when I see him again. I looked around and heard some giggles and laughs coming from my right side making me smirk and run in that direction. The giggles and laughs came closer and closer as I hid behind a bush and saw a group of teenagers laughing and looks like they're having a good time but luckily my fun time is going to ruin their good time. I was about to jump out from behind the bush until something got my interest. "So guys... Have you heard the legend of the Asylum Walker, the insane murder that stalks around an abandoned old asylum that they grew up in after their parents left them to scientists?" One of them asked trying to get the fright in the mood. They started to laugh "Yeah right! Like That Exists!!" Another said laughing "It's True! The Asylum Is Near By! You'll Start To Believe When You Start Getting A Bad Vive In That Asylum!!" The first one said pointing at them and they all agreed and got their flashlights and headed to my left.

I'm curious about this Asylum Walker' so I followed them, not close to them but for me to hear what they're talking about while they can't see me or hear me. "So Danny.... Tell us more about this Asylum Walked?" The guy named Danny looked at them and sighed "It was about 10 years ago, a girl named (Y/n) was abandoned by her parents at a asylum, the same one that we're heading.... She had a condition that made her parents dislike her and wanted to get rid of her. After those 10 years pass, she was corrupted by insanity and killed everyone in the asylum... The doctors, the scientists, the guards and the ones who were experimented on... After she killed everyone, she went after her parents who used to live in the same neighborhood as us... She killed them and her little sister name Maddie then burned down the house and came back to the asylum. That was just a few months ago! It was in the paper, remember!!" He explained and I raised an eyebrow as I heard him explain. "Wow... She must've had a hard time in there" a girl said looking at the ground "Well... Now she just a insane killed who roams around the asylum as if it was her hunting grounds..... But she has a soft side from what I heard and that's why I brought my little brother here with us!" Danny said shoving a little boy about 5 or 6.

I looked up to see a huge building in front of the forest edge then looked at the group "Alright, Jin..... I need you to go over to that building and just stand in front of the entrance okay?" Danny asked and the little boy who was holding a teddy bear like Sally tighten his grip and nodded. I watched as the boy ran out of the forest and walked slowly to the entrance "You got the camera right?" "Yeah... Are you sure about your little brother being out there all alone?" "Yeah sure.... He needs to toughen up" I rolled my eyes and continued to watch the little boy standing in front of the entrance, waiting if this 'Asylum Walker' comes out.

The Asylum Walker [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now