Chapter 12

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Ladybug POV

"M'lady you okay?" Chat asked. I couldn't exactly tell him that I needed to decide between a guy from school him, especially since I was Marinette when he had been winning my heart.

"It's nothing Kitty" I sighed. Without warning he kissed me gently "sorry, I shouldn't have, you just seemed upset and I don't like seeing you upset" he apologised.

"Thanks for the concern" I smiled a little. In all honesty it made things worse, I had such a good time ice skating with Adrien but Chat could have all the adventures which I loved so much.

"LB, there's something over there" he pointed towards the bakery. I rushed over Chat hot on my heels and we arrived at the bakery. Luckily my parents had got out but the place was on fire.

"I'm Hot Shot and I will burn those that like to verbally burn others"

Chat was already on it "Hot Shot well you must be a firey one" I giggled a little at his silliness. "Besides I think we all know that I'm the hot mess here" he added.

"Alright Chat, we should probably not wind her up even more" I said seriously. "She's already fired up" he smirked in my direction. I needed to come up with a plan to get the akuma "lucky charm" I threw my yoyo in the air and it dropped a bottle of water.

"So we're about to be fried but at least we won't be thirsty" Chat said sassily "hold your whiskers, let me think" he ran to distract Hot Shot while I came up with a plan.

I looked around and saw that if Chat took out the bars on my balcony I could pour the bottle on Hot Shot which would free the akuma. "Chat, take out the balcony bars"

Chat Noir POV

I didn't know why she wanted me to take out the balcony bars but I knew that she had a plan. "Cataclysm" I called and jumped to the bars, I touched the bar with my right hand and it started to break "now back here" Ladybug called.

I ran back to her and it was then that I realised where we were. I saw Marinette's parents but I didn't see Mari. "Chat!" Ladybug yelled "I need you to lure her towards the balcony" she finished.

I did as she told me and when Hot Shot was close enough to the balcony Ladybug tipped the water on Hot Shot putting out her fire. Ladybug captured the akuma and set the butterfly free.

Everything went back to the way it was meant to be. Then I realised that Mari was still nowhere to be seen. I started to panic, what if she was hurt?

Marinette's parents started calling for her. I started searching for her and found her in an alley looking like she had passed out. I gently picked her up and carried her back to her house.

"Chat Noir, you found our daughter!" Exclaimed Marinette's mom running over to me.

"Yeah, she's fine" I replied. Her mom invited me in "would you like me to put her in her room?" I asked.

"If you wouldn't mind, her room is just through that door" she said pointing to the trapdoor to Marinette's room. I carefully placed her in her bed and covered her with the blanket. Beep beep I was about to transform back so I quickly left.

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