Chapter 18

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So I decided to rewrite from this chapter hope you still enjoy it

Chat noir POV

I was going to have to tell Ladybug and then I could find Marinette and tell her. No more secrets, these two girls were the most important people in my life and I was tired of hiding things from them.

"Okay and why are you so sure of that?" I stood up and grabbed Ladybugs arm leading her to a roof where nobody could see. "This is why, Plagg claws in" I transformed back.

Ladybug stood speechless "you're, but, how, what?" She started trying to wrap her head around it "I know, I shouldn't have time to be Chat Noir but it really is me"

We stood on the building a few more minutes until Ladybug stopped pacing "okay, now that I think about it I have no idea how I didn't see that before" she went to sit down.

She missed the edge and fell backwards "LADYBUG!" I called and jumped after her without a second thought. She had hit her head on the side of the building as she fell and knocked herself out cold.

I caught her and tried to stop us from falling. Then I realised I couldn't stop us falling because I was still Adrien so I embraced her in a bear hug and took most of the fall. We landed on the street with a thud which really hurt "Adrien?" Ladybug had finally woken up "hey, your my partner, I got your back" I smiled back.

"I'm sorry this is all my fault, if I wasn't so clumsy I wouldn't have missed the edge and you wouldn't have gotten hurt" she had started crying and I wiped away a tear. I thought about how lucky I was to still actually be alive at this point "Hey I made the call to jump after you" I heard the ambulance coming "this one is all me"

Next thing I knew I was in the hospital with Mari sitting next to me. "Hey princess" she looked up and smiled "are you alright, you passed out before the ambulance got to you and I was worried that maybe you'd hurt yourself a lot worse then you did and I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if anything bad happened..." I cut her off with a kiss.

"You're cute when you're rambling" I smiled. I forced myself up and headed towards the bathroom to transform. I walked painfully over to Marinette and told her to come with me. "This is what I wanted to show you"

We were about to get to a quiet room in the hospital so I could transform back to Adrien in front of Marinette when we were stopped by fans screaming "Chat Noir!" And running in our general direction.

"Chat, you're in pain, please go home" she insisted calmly before practically carrying me to a window "hey I'm Chat Noir I'll be purrfectly fine" I whispered to her.

"And now there appears to be a giant fire breathing dragon loose in the city, our only hope is that Ladybug and Chat Noir will come to save us all" someone had turned the news on and after that announcement people we're panicking "I'm so sorry Mari I have to go" I said before painfully leaving.

Thank you for reading you guys are awesome 💕

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