Chapter 31

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So I'm back from comicon which was amazing I even bumped into Chat Noir, Adrien and Ladybug anyway here's the next chapter

Chat Noir POV

By the time I got to Ladybug I was too late she had already got rid of the akuma. I started to walk away and had just got to a roof when I saw a little black butterfly land on my bell and heard someone. "You know who I am and you can get revenge on the person who kept you from helping Ladybug, all I ask for in return is Ladybug and your miraculous"

I could feel the akuma changing me, I didn't want it what I wanted was for the akuma to leave me alone. I mentally debated with myself over what would happen and when I looked down my usually black catsuit had turned white.

"Kitty?" Ladybug was behind me. I didn't know what to do. The akumatized part was telling me to attack her and grab her miraculous but the still sane part was telling me to scream for help.

"It's in my bell" I managed to yell before the akuma completely took over. Next thing I knew ladybug was catching me "are you okay?" I was confused and disorientated "I think so, what happened?" I paused then remembered I had been akumatized "did you get the akuma?"

She gave me a look, the kind of look that meant she had let it get away "it was either catch you and stop you from falling from the top of the Eiffel Tower or catch the akuma" I looked around to see we were now at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower.

"So try to avoid negative thoughts and feelings okay?" She hugged me "I'll try, can we go home?" Ladybug loosened the hug "you wanna go home, you mean my home?"

"Yeah, it's the only place I can call home really" she started to blush "I mean, at my house there's just me no actual human contact, dads always working and mom..."

"Okay, just please, avoid the negativity okay kitty" she helped me up and we headed for somewhere to transform back and walk to the bakery together. "Thank you Mari" I said kissing her cheek again.

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