Fine Again

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-Colettes POV-

Am I destined to be alone? I mean everyone I have ever loved has left me..
Or at least never cared enough to not hurt me. Some were physically abusive others were mentally, but it hurt exactly the same...

I walked into the office and walked straight to mine, ignoring everyone.After awhile James had come in and sat next to me, "Colette? Are you alright" he asked,and thats when i fell apart. "I-I tried so hard to make sure everyone else was happy, I thought maybe it would make my life better, but instead it made everything worse. Jordan already loves Haven more than he'll ever love me so the family card is off and the relationship card just got torn to pieces, i don't even know what I did to him. He took Hoxton and left me didn't even say goodbye just left a fucking note!" I said fighting my tears James held me "Colette I know its hard but all of this is gonna lead up to something special, one day you'll find the one who will make you so happy you'll forget about everyone else" he said wiping a tear off my face "James how do you always know what to say" I asked "Well Colette 'the wisest people have been through the most' thats what my grandfather used to say. And I practically raised you remember I taught you everything you know. But sometimes you cant teach a person how to love another" he said I nodded "How can you stand being alone?" I asked "Im not alone Colette and neither are you, we all have each other. And you wont feel like this for long, soon you'll just move on someone still loves you keep that in mind. Kevin wasn't good for you he has too many unresolved issues with himself to be with someone" James replied "wow I never really thought of it like that, but who still loves me and how do you know" I asked "he's closer than you think, and James knows everything" he said with a smile. I was very confused at this point, James is usually always right though, yet somehow I just didn't believe him.

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