What It's Like To Be Fat

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10 Days With Fatty

Chapter Two: What It's Like To Be Fat

Dedicated to @CharlotteEverett because she is a Poop Face.

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"It's so fat, it blocks out the sun!"

"Zak, it's so fat it blocks my phone, computer and TV signal!"

"Ahaha Micky, your sooo funny, but you've got it all wrong. It's so fat we don't know why it doesn't just lay down and die. I don't know how it lives with itself, that bitch is so gross, if I were her I'd kill myself"

"I know right? What the fuck?"

"Why don't you just kill yourself? No-one wants you"

"Yeah, go jump off a building or something; we'd be better off without you"

"Can you even see your feet?"

"I'd kill myself if I had an ass that big."

"Do you honestly think anyone is going to want that"

"You look like a beached whale."

"If you jumped in a river, you'd drown the whole world"

"How wide are the doors in your house? Coz you wouldn't fit through mine"

"Or anyone's whose normal!"

"How could you let yourself get like that?"

"Yeah, how could you? Do you like looking ugly?"

"I swear it's getting fatter and fatter everyday"

"Yeah, it is, the fuck ugly thing"

"It was born fuck ugly"

"That's coz it's whole families filled with hippos"

"What? Have you seen them?"

"Yeah, I went to the zoo last Saturday"

"I didn't see you there fatty, were you rolling in the mud or something?"

"I bet it never washes"

"Ewww gross"

"Anyone got any nose pegs?"

"Come on; let's go before we die from the smell"

The group moved off leaving Jamie alone, just how she liked it. She was so used to the comments she barely noticed them now, she used to count how many times they would use the same insult a day but after a while it just made her more depressed as the numbers racked up beyond reasonable numbers. She'd heard them all roughly around when she hit fourth grade, they're not very creative with their insults. Even though she pretended not to notice, which she didn't... mostly. When she did it stung, really bad. Normally that was when a new voice joined in so, stupidly, she would look up and they would all cringe away from her and start up with how her ugly face burned their eyes and such.

She sighed unhappily and attempted to get up. She was getting heavier, and so with it, it was getting harder to do anything physical. She weighed 29 stone now and was slowly creeping up; the heaviest teen in Britain weighed 33 stone so she was getting there much to her displeasure. She couldn't help it; she had had an eating disorder ever since her Father died and Mother rejected her. She was overweight to begin with but nothing compared to how she was now. Then she was predicted to be 18 stone, about three stone heavier than a full grown man, now she was nearly twice that.

Shame and embarrassment had hung on her shoulders ever since the name calling started. She couldn't remember what age she was when it did but she remembered her Mother was the first person to outright say it to her face. That was when her Mother rejected her as her child and without Fathers death wish, would have ended her up in an orphanage.

She had no friends; she never got the chance to. No-one had ever really been nice to her, and when they were, it was with looks of disgust and pity. She was proud even through the constant bullying, and snapped at them refusing their comfort. She didn't want their pity and distasteful looks of horror, she wanted someone who could look at her and the first thought through their head not to be:

She's fat

But every time she met someone new or a random person on the street she could see it in their eyes. That look. She didn't really look at people anymore, afraid of seeing what their thinking in their eyes, afraid of seeing what they see. She had tried to become thinner, she had lost five stone once, but no-one noticed. Once you were fat, to these people you were always fat no matter how much weight you lost.

She wished someone would just give her a chance, get to know her past her looks, past her fat.

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