Take These Broken Wings Of Mine

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***Flash Back 3 Years Ago.***

"Don't you dare touch me!!" I yelled at Ashton.

"What's Wrong? Huh? You think you can just tell my girlfriend that I broke up with her? You're such a moron Elizabeth."

Tears we're streaming My face and I tried leaving.

"Don't touch me!! Let go of me!" I yelled once again.

"You're worthless anyways Elizabeth, Fuck you and I hope your life becomes a miserable shit." Ashton told me.

Everyone was watching and I left not seeing Ashton anymore.


School year, I'm gonna study harder to get my degree of being a photographer. Hopefully no one is gonna stop me this year.

I pack my bags I packed my camera and some notes with books, I went to my closet and I found a note.

"I just went out to get some groceries outside, Love you!! - mom." I guess mother left.

I went to my memory box, And there was two I guess I haven't moved it since 3 years ago.

Pictures we're shown with...

"Ashton..." I said quietly.

There was a diary, I read them it was all about Ashton.

"Ashton was dating this slut named 'May', She cheated on Ashton once.. I need to find a way to break them up for Ashton's own good."

I turned the page and found a page that was blank.

A tear fell of my face, I remembered what happened before. Well I've transferred schools so I guess he's not gonna be in my life.

I got my car keys and drove my first day off in school, My mother called but I couldn't answer.

I kept driving and I saw this tall boy almost reminded me of Ashton but it couldn't be.

My GPS System tells me to go left, After 3 miles of driving I arrived at school.

I was wearing jeans and a tank top covered with a cowboy opened shirt with sneakers.

I tied my hair and went down, Everyone was greeting me. I just smiled.

Later a woman gave me a pass for the class I'm attending.

"Hmmm, Math okay." I said to myself walking to the class.

Later all the seats we're taken the teacher told my to sit next to the boy I saw when I was driving.

"Hi, My names Ashton Irwin Nice to meet you what's you're name?" the boy asked.

"Elizabeth Hamilton." I smiled.

"Nice name you remind me of someone I know." Ashton replied as he fixed his text book.

I looked away, And I just stared at the teacher instead.


Class was finally over, And Ashton grabbed my hand.

"Elizabeth?.. I have a little get together wanna come?" Ashton Asked.

"I'd Love too, But I have problems at home, You can have my number here." I smiled and we exchanged numbers.

Ashton smiled and I just walked away.

I waked to my car and i was distracted so

Later I went to my car, I was holding my books, And a guy hit me.

Take These Broken Wings Of MineWhere stories live. Discover now