Chapter Two

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Cole's P.O.V

After I took my shower I must have fallen asleep because I was woken up by a small knock on my door.

I looked out the window to see it was still raining. I got up grabbing my shirt and opened the door. There in all his glory stood Kane. I blushed and slipped on my shirt. I was shocked when I saw his disappointed look when I put my shirt on. 'Maybe he's gay to.' I said to myself.

My self conscience was yelling something but I couldn't understand, every time I could never understand what It was yelling.

My head started to hurt causing me to lean into the wall. I became really dizzy. "Cole are you okay?" Kane asked. "I-I'm fine." I mumbled. I blinked to rid away the blurriness.

A warm hand pressed against my forehead, causing me to flinch back almost falling. Kane retracted his hand quickly as if he was burned. "Jesus, your not okay Cole." He said.

Suddenly I'm picked up making me ten time dizzier than before. I am laid on a soft surface which I'm guessing is the bed.

I clutch the sheets of the bed. "Your running a fever." Kane says. He puts all the blankets on the bed over me. "You need to sweat this out." He mumbled.

"I-I'm s-sorry." I said, shivering. He shook his head, his some what shaggy hair waving back and forth.

I had to resist the urge to reach up and play with it. "It's not your fault." He said.

'Mate' A little voice whispered in the back of my head. I ignored the voice and stared at Kane.

The urge to sleep overwhelmed me and I closed my eyes.

Kane's P.O.V

I watched as Cole slowly fell asleep, his breath went even. He started to mumble things is his sleep. "...Mate." He mumbled. The word made me freeze. 'I thought he was human.' I said to my wolf, Nix. 'He is right now but he is a wolf to, he's never shifted before.' 'How old is he?' '22.' Nix said. I started to think, blocking out Nix for a moment. The only reason Cole's wolf wouldn't shift is because he grew up in a dangerous or abusive family. We usually shifted at fourteen for alphas like me, others shift at eight-teen.

I looked at Cole as I unblocked my wolf. I reached out and brushed his hair out of his face. Small shocks went up from my fingers through my body. I pulled my hand back. 'What is that?' I asked my wolf. 'You'll find out soon.' He said then blocked me out.

I huffed and turned my attention back to Cole, My Cole. Cole was a natural beauty, his eyes are a light blue, a sky blue with white clouds as I call them, he has blonde hair cut short but styled perfect, he doesn't even try with his hair. He's built like any normal werewolf but very skinny, underfed. He's short compared to me, about 5'9, he is perfect.

I shook my head as contacted the pack doctor. He showed up a few minutes later. "Alpha, I'm going to have to ask you to step out to let me examine him." The doctor said. Suddenly my wolf took over. "I'm sorry, I can't do that." Nix growled. 'Nix, what are you doing? Be nice.' I said. "Sir, please." He said. Nix shook his head, or mine. "I will not leave my mate." Nix said. "I'm sorry sir, I didn't know." He said and didn't say anymore about leaving.

The doctor walked over to Cole and pressed a thermometer against his forehead. Nix let out a small growl because someone else was touching his mate. The doctor did his thing quickly, careful on touching Cole. "He's shifting." The doctor said. Nix nods and thanks the doctor. He gives me control back so I can ask my questions. "Why is it when I touch him shocks go through my body and what is a mate?" "The shocks are because he's your mate. A mate is your other half, a part of your soul...only them can make you feel whole." He said. I looked at Cole, that explained the connection I felt when I first made eye contact with him. I watched as the doctor left.

My attention turned to Cole when his breath hitched. He rolled over and winced. His eyes opened as he let out a high pitched wine. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked him. "What?" "Why didn't you tell me your a fucking werewolf?" I snapped. He flinched at my tone. I let out a loud growl as I pieced the puzzle together.

"What did your parents do to you?" His eyes went wide at the question. "H-how do you know about that?" He asked. "You don't just flinch at a voice." I said. He looked away. "Can we talk about this later?" He asked. I sighed and nodded. "So, what's wrong with me?" He asked. "Your a werewolf and shifting." I said completely serious. He bust out laughing like it was some joke. "I'm not kidding babe." I said. His body froze at the word babe.

"Are you gay?" He asked. I nodded and a smile appeared on his face. "As girls say 'Always the hot one's." He said then laughed. I laughed with him. "So this werewolf thing, can you prove it?" He asked. I nodded. "Don't scream." I said as I stood up.

I pulled off my shirt then pants. I saw a blush form on Cole's face. I then shifted. His face held surprise and fear. I whimpered and put my head down in a submissive way which was hard for me considering I'm a alpha. "Don't do that, it makes me sad." Cole said. He motioned me over to the side of the bed. I trotted over and hoped up in bed with him. He smiled and touched my fur. My wolf was a mix of brown, grey, and black fur.

"Beautiful." He mumbled. I grinned wolfishly and licked his face. I was laying on him as he laughed and tried to push me away.

I let out a small growl when someone walked in the room which didn't even seem to faze Cole. 'Good.' Nix said. I turned my head to the person who walked in. The person who walked in was named Michelle, she was the pack slut. She looked at me then Cole. "I need to talk to you alpha." She said. I looked at Cole, almost asking for permission. He shoed me off. I hoped off the bed and picked up my clothes in my jaws. I went into the bathroom and shifted then put my clothes on. I came back out. "I'll be back, Cole." I said. He nodded.

'I can't help but think this is a trap, she's trying to seduce us.' Nix said. 'Nix, don't worry. This whole body will belong to Cole only.' I said. 'Just, don't be alone with her.' He said.

I walked into my office, which my beta was in. "Make it quick Michelle." I said, using my alpha tone. "I want to get back to my mate." I said. She looked surprised for a moment. "I'm sorry for wasting your time alpha." She said then bowed her head.

I walked back to the room and walked in. "Cole? Are yo-" I looked at Cole. He was struggling to get his shirt off.

I let out a small chuckle. "Need help?" I spoke up louder. "Y-yes, Please." He said. I walked over to Cole and lifted the shirt over his head. I could make out his facial features at how close we were. I bit my lip as I stared at his. I pulled back, I could easily break one of his bones if I lost control while kissing him.

Just then I noticed the faint scars on his wrists. "Cole...?" I said, there was so much pain in my voice. He followed my gaze to the scars. "Kane, I'm sorry...i-i I tried to stop." He whispered. I shook my head, "Let just go to sleep, we will talk about this in the morning." I said. With that we crawled in bed and went to sleep.



What do you think? Its kind of a cliff hanger, right? Tell me, who's your favorite writer on Wattpad? What do you think of the new character? Like or hate? If you've been paying attention give Kane and Cole some personality traits, something that might complement them....Oh, and I almost forgot, what should I make Cole's wolf name?

P.s The pic is Cole, a little more masculine.

Forever Kole #shipname

1469 words

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