Chapter Three

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Kane's P.O.V

I held Cole as he slept, running my fingers over the bright white scars on his wrist. 'What did they do to you?' I thought. The  scars covered both his arms, his stomach, his sides, What did they do to him that made him do this, that stunned his wolf?

It made me angry, that Cole had to go through some really tough shit without me. He started to mumble in his sleep. "Don't leave Nolen..." he said. 'Who's Nolen?' I thought. He suddenly started to cry and whimper. "DADDY PLEASE, MOMMAS BLEEDING!" He cried out. "Cole, its just a dream." I said as I stroked his hair. He calmed down, it seemed like he was reliving the past in his dreams. I tried to hold back the tears from the pain I felt for him. "T-the floor is to cold, n-Nolen...come over h-here." he mumbled. Mm? Nolen must be his brother or something. "I'M SICK OF BEING LIKE CINDERELLA, OR FEELING LIKE A KICKED PUPPY." He cried out. I kissed his forehead and mumbled 'Its okay' in his ear. "...Nolen, I can't breath, why did you hang yourself?"

He whispered this so quietly. I couldn't believe it.

A families bond is tight. Like my bond with my pack but tighter. It is possible to live someone's death but you yourself wouldn't die.

So Nolen killed himself and Cole...he had to live that too. "Momma, Nolen killed himself cause of you, you know that..?" he mumbled.

When I looked at him, I saw tears in his eyes. This is real pain. Watching someone you care for deeply go through hell and back. He was all sweaty and crying and I was crying a little.

It wasn't until around midnight that he started to shift. He started screaming bloody murder as his bones cracked. I hurried and picked him up and brought him into the bathroom and turned on the shower on cold. It had helped when I shifted. The cold numbs you, it numbs the pain.

First his arms snapped, then his legs, and back.  He was starting to grow fur as well. I just held him as the water rained down on us.

I felt bad because I was his mate yet I could do nothing for his pain. Soon enough, the transition was over. He laid on my lap, his fur soaked with water looking up at me with terrified eyes.

I stroked his fur. "Its okay." I whispered then leaned forward to shut off the water.

He was a fairly small wolf, about the size of a large female, with black and white fur. His eyes were the color of the moon. "Beautiful." I mumbled.

I continued to stroke his fur. "Cole, that was perfectly natural for your first shift so don't worry." I muttered.

His ears were probably really sensitive at the moment. "It won't hurt as much next time." His ears pinned back and he whined.

I chuckled softly. "Its part of you, you'll become restless if you don't shift again, and I'm sure you hear that voice in your head. The voice is your wolf. He's likely been with you since birth, just stunted because of your parents." I growled out parents.

I felt him tense slightly then relax. He probably sensed that I had a high position in the pack.

"Would you like to go for a run?" I asked. Cole jumped up but slid back down. I laughed. "Calm down." I said.

I helped him out of the bathtub and dried him off a bit before leading him to the front door. "Wait for me." I said as I let him out the door.

I slipped into the downstairs bathroom and slid out of my clothes before shifting.

I trotted out of the front door and trotted up to Cole.

I licked his snout and he let out a playful bark.

"Your acting like a pup." I said through our link. He nearly jumped. I laughed at him as I tried to explain.

"We have a bond basically that allows us to communicate, its not hard, just imagine your talking to me as a human. And before you ask, this bond formed the second our eyes made contact." I said through the link.

"D-did I do it right?" He stuttered through the link. His face was scrunched up as he thought.

I chuckled, "Yeah, your doing good, now when you join a pack there will be a couple hundred voices in you head. To block them out you just think of yourself in a quiet room with no door." I said.

"Okay." He said. He jumped around with his tail wagging. I smiled and went to chase him. He took off running. I chased him around and nipped his tail.

He ran faster. "You can't catch me!" He said. I could hear the smile in his voice. I tackled him and we both rolled down a hill into a huge mud puddle.

We both started laughing. Suddenly I heard a growl. The hair on my back stood on end.

"Stay close to me Cole." I ordered. A rouge stood a few feet away looking alarmed that I was an alpha.

I let out a snarl, showing my teeth and he took off running. As soon as I was sure that he was gone I nudged Cole back towards the house.

"We're going home already." He asked. He just called it home. I smiled. "Yeah, we need to get cleaned up. Then we should get to bed before everyone wakes up and tomorrow if you want we can go get your car, actually it would be today since its almost two in the morning." I said.

"U-um, kane?" Cole asked. "Yeah babe?"

"I-is it alright if I stay with you? I mean I don't really have anywhere to go and I can't go home so...can I?"

"Of course you can, listen to me Cole, you are my mate, a mate is basically part of your soul. Without you, I'd never be complete. You can stay here forever and I wouldn't mind." I said.

We trotted into the house and I nudged the door close. "If you need me I'll be cleaning up so don't hesitate to come to me. You should clean up yourself to. Oh, and by the way, to shift back you just think of yourself as a human." I said.

He thanked me and we went our separate ways to get cleaned up.

Good so far?
I hope you all like it
And check out my other books if you haven't
Im fixing to put up a new one called Alphas mate, its kinda different chapter wise but anyway love ya and send me all your skittles ❤❤❤

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