Chapter one

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The sea was calm and the sun was shining. It was a beautiful day, the perfect weather for a voyage. My best friend was controlling the boat at the moment. The boat was a motorboat with a small room that the both of us could barely fit in. There were two beds, a tiny bathroom and an oven. The boat was white. It was my grandfather's boat, and he hadn't really wanted to let us borrow it. We had to promise to be super careful.

It was going great so far, the sea was as I said earlier calm and the weather was nice. Three weeks back, me and my best friend had been discussing fun things to do in the summer and I had mentioned my grandfather's boat. One day later we had decided to go on a voyage and a week later we were done planning. Now we were doing it.

"Hey Emma! Can I take control over the boat?", I shouted, way louder than I needed to.

"Why?", she responded.

"I don't trust you!", I said, giggling.

"I don't trust you either, you're ginger!", she said.

"First of all, I'm not ginger, my hair is like almost blonde and I barely have any freckles!", I shouted at her.

"Yes you do, they're just not that dark. And by the way, your hair is red enough to count as ginger, and why are you shouting?" she said, now laughing.

"I don't know" I said. Then I climbed on to the roof of the little room, stretched my arms out and shouted

"I'm flying Jack!"

Emma just laughed. She was used to me doing weird and sort of dangerous things and had given up on trying to stop me. Also, if she wasn't in control of the boat she would've done the same. We were very similar when it came to personality. We liked the same TV-shows, read the same books and thought very similar thoughts. She was basically the best friend ever and now we were on a voyage together. Awesome!

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