Lazy day with babe

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Matt- Delilah baby c'mon get up it's already noon and your still sleeping

I just groan and sit up and give him a pouty face ten I jump up

Me- oh shit I haven't made a youtube video for 2 weeks wanna be in It with me

Matt nods and wraps his hands around my waist and gives me a quick kiss and I smile into it

Me- imma take a shower my shiz is in the closet set it up please

He nods and walks to my closet and I walk to the bathroom and take a quick 15 minute shower I wrap the towel around my body and walk out only to see Matt eating cereal on his phone in my bed when he sees me he gets up and kisses my cheek with his mouth full and speaks

Matt- go get dressed imma get more cereal

I just laugh and when he leaves I close my door and change into a gray quarter sleeve knit sweater and black jeggings and some black socks with cats on them then I open the door and sit on my vanity doing my eyebrows and Matt comes into my room and sit down as I finish up my mascara I go into the bathroom and brush my hair and teeth then put on Chapstick and sit down on my bed and press record 

Me- hey babes today I'm here with my baby

He puts his head on my shoulder and smiles a cheesy smile and kisses my cheek

Matt- heyyy

Me- haha anyways since I haven't done a video in 2 weeks and since it was so requested we are doing the boyfriend tag but there's a twist

I get up and run downstairs and into the backyard where there are 10 pies set up and Matt follows me and trips on the last step and I die laughing and point the camera at him

Me- oh my god Matt your so stupid

I clutch my sides laughing and he gets up

Matt- wow thanks for the help babe

I just continue laughing and fall to the floor still laughing soon enough I calm down and wipe my tears from laughing and Matt stands over me laughing and helps me up and carries me to the back yard

Me- you know I have legs I'm no mermaid

He just shakes his head smiling and puts the camera facing us and kisses me then sets me down an puts the camera up

Me- so the catch is we each ask 5 questions each and every time we get one wrong we get a pie smashed in our face

I smile evilly at Matt then the camera

Me- let's get this shit started who's going first

Matt- rock paper scissors

Me- ok rock...paper...scissors

He won so he turns to me and smiles

Matt- where was our first date

Me- oh come on that was a month ago we always have dates umm I think it was when we went to sea world and got ice cream and shit right

Matt smashed the pie in my face and I let out a small yell

Matt- nope wrong that was our 2nd date our first was we were at golf and stuff an we go lattes did bumper boats and laser tag then after went to the arcade and got pizza

Me- damnit

Matt- your going to have to bleep out a lot in this video

I give him an playful glare

Me- when and where did we have our first kiss

Matt- oh that's easy under the oak tree that huge one up when we took a hike we just say there and boom we kissed

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