Day before flight to new york

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I wake up and gilinskys arms are around my waist and there is no gaps between up as he had his head in my neck and Johnson in wrapped up in a blanket burrito leaving me and jack no blankets but it's all good cause it's still summer weather so I get up carefully trying not to wake up the guys and take a shower when I get out they are still sleeping so I change into a lace bralette and black ripped shorts with a gray sweater I put on a bunch of rings to match I put on my black vans and my watch and go my vanity mirror and do a winged eyeliner my mascara I brush my teeth I the bathroom then come back out and put on Chapstick and a Kylie Jenner lip color lipstick and go downstairs to make breakfast for everyone who was texting me they are on their way so I make 24 eggs 4 packages of bacon 4 packages of frozen hash browns in the oven and I hear the doorbell ring so I run to it and see Nash Taylor Aaron and cam with their suitcases even though we will be there for 3 days 😂 and I hug all of them

Taylor- ohh what smells so good

Me- I'm making breakfast im almost done

I run back to the kitchen and they follow me

Me- just take your luggage up to my room first door on the left

They nod and go upstairs and put there stuff away but I forget to warn them the jacks are sleeping and I just finish up breakfast and hear the doorbell ring again so I put out plates and run to the door to see Hayes Louisa Matt shawn Sam Ethan Grayson carter and skate I hug them on and tell them to drop the stuff off in my room cause I made breakfast so to eat when they are done and gilinsky and Johnson come down and Johnson runs to the kitchen and gilinsky walks over to me

Gilinsky- mañana bebe

Me- cómo era su sueño guapo y lo temporizador vamos a conseguir sus cosas para Nueva York

Johnson- one last time before I throw something at you say it in English we don't speak Spanish only gilinsky!!!

Matt walks downstairs

Matt- so do I

Me- we'll I was talking to gilinsky and said how was your sleep handsome and what timer are we going to get your stuff for New York if you have to know everything

Gilinsky laughs and puts his arms around my waist from behind resting his head on mine after kissing my cheek and continues to hold me as I walk to the kitchen

Me- just to make Johnson mad on the flight to New York the entire time I'm speaking Spanish

Johnson- I hate you

I blow a kiss to him and laugh then eat with everyone else saving my mom a plate an wash the dishes when everyone's done and sit on the couch with everyone and gilinsky immediately wraps his arms around me

Skate- damn bro let the woman breathe before you suffocate her geez give her some space

Me- im bien con él , pero nos enviaban oficial así que no más hasta que estemos oficial

Skate- maldita realmente crecer algunas bolas Gilinsky un invitarla a salir ya su evidente su enamorado de ella

Me-que aquí entiende lo que decimos y lo sabe español

Cam raises his hand along with the twins and skate and gilinsky along with Nash and Hayes

Me- ok we'll since Johnson hates how we speak spanish I'll translate from now on

Johnson- thank god

We laugh and he rolls his eyes

Louisa- I didn't understand anything

Me- ya ik or you would have raised your hand

Louisa- ohhhh

I nod laughing

Me- what do you guys want to do today

Taylor- I just want to chill before we have to have a flight

I nod and put head on gilinskys shoulder

Me-Dame un beso

Gilinsky kisses me and smiles I smile back at him and ten back to everyone

Johnson- see i knew what that meant but I wish I didn't

He says in disgust making me laugh along with the rest of the guys

**************8 pm******************

I run into the kitchen hiding in the cabinets as gilinsky and Johnson try to find everyone I look out through the hole and see no one there so I run to go upstairs but I didn't see gilinsky in the living room so he ran after me and grabbed my waist making me scream

Me- puto idiota que casi tenía un ataque al corazón que podría haber muerto ¿por qué me asustes así sobre todo cuando todas las luces están apagadas

Gilinsky- im lo siento chicas no significan nada para asustar a usted, pero su escondite allí para escondiste y me fue a buscar a usted

Me- ya ya lo deja solo prisa este juego estúpido hasta

He laughs and kisses my cheek making me smile and my dimples stick out an soon the game ends and it's around 10pm now so we all change into pajamas and put on a movie which was straight outta Compton and I knew practically every line and I was cuddled into gilinsky my head on his chest my legs in his lap and his arms wrapped around me tightly and I see cam and Louisa stand up and walk out making me smirk cause I knew they were going to make out so I yelled out

Me-divertirse, pero no hay mucho que no estoy dispuesta a ser una tía sin embargo, y si usted decide hacer el amor a quemar mis sábanas cuando el hecho

Gilinsky skate Hayes Nash cam the twins and me start laughing

Johnson-  what did you say that was so funny

Me- fun , but not much I'm not going to be an aunt though, and if you decide to make love to burn my sheets when done

Everyone else starts laughing and soon enough we all fall asleep

I'm so so so sorry for having such a short chapter I promise the next one will be better I promise I only put like 1,000 words in this time again so sorry and I'll be updating a lot more often so ya 💋

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