Chapter 3 - Girls Day

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"Ari it's been 5 days, you need to eat, shower, socialize and get out of bed" Luke said while taking a seat next to me on my bed. "I can't, I miss him and he fucking wants to divorce me, what am I gonna do with my life Luke" I cried into his chest. "Look why don't you invite, Alexis and Selena over today since you haven't seen them in a while" he suggested. He's right I can't just sit here and think about Jai 24/7. I hope Selena isn't busy, I'm really glad she moved here as well. "Okay, thanks Luke" I smiled and gave him hug before jumping in the shower.


I walked downstairs while Ari had her shower. I found the boys in the kitchen. "Guys I'm so worried about Ari, she's been distant with everyone" I said while taking a seat on one of the stools. "Yeah me too, I just want them to be like they use to be you know" Daniel replied. "We have to talk to Jai" James said and we all agreed. "I'll call him now" I said and walked out side.

J - hey

L - what the fuck are you doing bro

J - what do you mean

L - do you really wanna divorce her

J - yeah I do

L - why

J - she's obviously happy with Justin, they can be one big happy family

L - bro she doesn't wanna be with Justin she hates him

J - then why were they at the mall together

L - because Justin wanted to spend time with Kai but Ari didn't trust him to be alone with her son

J - believe what you want, I know she loves him

L - no Jai, she fucking loves you, she's been in bed for five days straight because she misses you so much. She won't eat, won't shower and she's not sleeping either, she's a mess and it's all because of you

J - ......

L - look I know you still love her, and she loves you too so why don't you just get your ass back here and tell her how much you love her before it really is too late

J - ....... (Beep beep beep)

"Hey how did it go" Daniel asked. "He fucking hung up on me" I yelled. "What did you say to him" he took a seat next to me in the edge of the pool. "He said he believes that Ari loves Justin and that they're gonna be one big happy family" I explained and sighed. "I just want them to be together again" he said and I nodded in agreement.


I quickly put on an outfit and texted Alexis.

Lexi 💞
Hey girl are you busy today, need to hang out with the girls for a change.

I sent the same thing to Selena and instantly got a text back from Alexis.

Lexi 💞
No I'm not busy, let's hang today, I'll bring Beau and Matt to hang with the boys

Lexi 💞
Awesome, can't wait to see you

A few minutes later I got a text back from Selena.

Selena 💜
Just finishing the photo shoot for my new album, be over in about half an hour xx

Selena 💜
Awesome, thank you so much I can't wait to see you

I heard the front door open and a little boys scream filled the hallway. "Ahhh, Noah" it was little Matt. "Hey Matt" he replied and they hugged. "Hey guys" Beau and Lexi said, and I ran up to hug them. "How have you been" Lexi asked. "A little upset, I just miss him so much" I replied. I heard crying from upstairs and went to go check on Kai. I picked him up and bought him downstairs. "Here want me to take him" Luke asked and I handed him over. Luke has been such a great help with the kids. I will never be able to thank him enough.

I went to open the front door and Selena had arrived. "Hey" she smiled and gave me a hug. "Hey" Lexi and I said in sync. We left to go the the mall because that always cheers me up. "So what's been happening with Jai" selena asked. I haven't told her anything yet. "Well Justin and I had sex while I was still with Jai. We were fighting at the time and Justin got me drunk so I had no clue what I was doing. And he happened to be Kai's father, Jai found out and now he hates me and wants to divorce me" I explained as we roamed Forever New. "Wow, that's crazy, Justin is the biggest ass hole in the world, we've been having an on and off relationship for a while now and now that I hear about this I just want to punch him in the face then remove him from my life" she explained. "You guys have been dating" Lexi asked. "Yeah" she replied. "Do you know where he was five days ago" I asked. "He said he had a meeting with Scooter why" she asked and I felt so bad for her. He's been lying to her and she deserves way better. "He was actually with me and Kai, he's been lying to you, I think you should block him out of your life, that's what I'm doing I'm not letting him see my son again" I snapped and she nodded her head in agreement.

"This would look so cute on you Ari" Lexi said as she showed me a a really pretty white dress. "Oh my god I love it" Selena agreed and I went to try it on. "Girl you look amazing, you have to get it" Lexi said and I decided to buy it.

"I can't wait to see you wear that next time we go clubbing" Selena laughed

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"I can't wait to see you wear that next time we go clubbing" Selena laughed. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. It was Luke.

Me - hey

L - Ari so,things wrong with Noah

Me - what

L - you have to get back here

Me - okay were on our way

"Who was that" Lexi asked. "It was Luke, we have to go some things wrong with Noah"

Thanks for reading, this chapter was more of a filler but I hope you like it anyway. I hope to update in a couple of days but I haven't written much so I'll get it to you as soon as I can. 💜💜💜

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