Chapter 6 - Saying Goodbye

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I have to tell the other boys so they can all say goodbye, and Alexis as well. "Luke" I said as I unwrapped my arms from his neck. "Yes" he sniffled. "I gotta go tell the others" I said while wiping my tears. "I'll come too" he half smiled and followed me to the elevators. Jai was sitting in the same spot down the hall. "Ariana" he said. "What" I said looking down at the floor. "Can I talk to you for a minute" he asked with pleading eyes. "Im sorry, I gotta go" I said, begging my tears not to fall out. As we got out to the car park, that's when the tears started pouring down. "Ari Ari, come here babe, it's gonna be okay" Luke said while trying to calm me down with a hug. "I don't know what to do" I cried. "How about we just focus on telling the boys, come back here and saying goodbye to our little Noah" he replied. I nodded my head, and Luke drove his car while I drove mine.

We got home around 10 minutes later and I just wanted to sit in the car while Luke handled it. I didn't want to see the looks on their faces. But I knew I had to be apart of it, so I got out and linked arms with Luke while we headed inside. "Guys, what's wrong with Noah" Beau asked as soon as he saw us. "Umm, we have some bad news" Luke said. "N-Noah doesn't have much longer" Luke stuttered. The tears started falling again and Beau screamed and fell to the floor.

James and Daniel were calm but they cried more tears than I've ever seen them cry

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James and Daniel were calm but they cried more tears than I've ever seen them cry. It was heartbreaking, I just wanted my little boy to be better. I can't lose him. "W-hat do we d-do now?" James asked. "We go to the hospital and spend as much time as we can with him" I replied and we all headed out to the cars. "Where's Alexis and the two kids" I asked. "She took them out for a walk" Daniel replied. I thought I should call her. Just as I was about to pick up my phone. She came down the driveway. "Hey what's going on" she asked. "We have to get to the hospital, I'll explain everything on the way there" I replied and strapped Kai in his baby seat, while Alexis put Matt in Noah's seat. "Oh and Selena had to go, she had a meeting with her manager, but she told me that she'll call you later and see how Noah's doing" that's when I started crying again. I couldn't help but cry every time I heard his name.

Once we arrived at the hospital we went into Noah's room. "Hey mummy" Noah said sleepily "Hey honey" I cried kissing his forehead "I love you so much Noah you know that right" I said "I know mummy"


"Ari Ari wake up" Alexis said shaking me "Hey where's everyone" I asked "Jai and Luke are getting coffee, Beau, Daniel and James took the kids home so I'm just here" She replied "I don't want him to leave me Lexi, he's to young to die he hasn't fallen in love, gone to school, he won't even turn 10" I said trying to hold in my tears "Hey it's okay, everything's going to be okay" She hugged me. I stayed in Alexis' arms until the boys got back with food and coffee.

"Hey Ari" Luke said walking in with Jai trailing behind "Hey boys" I replied "You need to eat" Jai spoke handing me a cheese toastie and coffee "Thanks" I replied. "So had the doctors said anything" Luke asked "We have about 12 more hours" Alexis replied, she'd been up all day and night long getting information off doctors while everyone slept and visited Noah. "Alexis you should get some rest" I said patting the spot next to me "Ari I'm okay, I'll get some rest later I promise" She yawned "Alright I replied.

It was about 7am when the doctor came in. "Can we speak outside please" She told us all "So what's wrong" Alexis asked "Noah isn't getting any better as you can tell, so now you only have 5 more hours, I'm very sorry" She said then walked away "5 more hours Alexis you said 12 more house 3 hours ago" Jai said getting angry but then breaking into tears "Jai I can't control it I just tell you what I get told" Alexis spat back "Alight look we don't need to fight, Luke call the boys" I said "Alright" Luke replied then disappearing "Alexis just please rest for 10 minutes okay" I said giving her a hug "Okay but a quick one" She said matching her way to an empty chair. "Let's go for a walk" I said to Jai placing my hand into his

"I can't lose my son Ari" He cried "I don't want to lose Nosh either but we can't chose what happens in life"'I said hugging him "I really love you Ari and I mean it, I know Kai isn't my child but I'm going to be the best father ever" He said "Love you too Jai, you are already the best father ever" I smiled "They will be here in 10 minutes" Luke interrupted.


We all said our final goodbyes one last time. Noah was put on a drug so he would go to sleep. He didn't have long left and I'll never be able to hear his little voice again. I called Selena and she came right over to say goodbye. It was so hard. My mum and Frankie flew over to see him a well, I actually called them yesterday when it happened and they caught the next flight over here. Finally after Luke had finished, Well at least he tried to finish, it was mine and Jai's turn. This was our last time as a family with Noah. Alexis handed me Kai and we sat around Noah saying everything we had to.

"I know I've been a terrible father lately, but I'm so proud of you, and our family. I love you so much buddy, I'll never forget the times we had and the games of soccer especially, I'm gonna miss you so much, rest in peace little man, I love you" Jai said. He wasn't crying but I guess it hasn't hit him yet.

"Noah, your the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm so proud to be your mother and I'm really proud at how far you came. You were a strong one, and you'll forever be in my heart, just know that we all love you and care about you, that will never change rest in peace sweetie. I love you" I said then instantly started crying on Jai's shoulder. The doctor came in a few minutes later. "It's almost time"

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've had to do about three assignments since the last time I updated but they are all done now so I should be updating more regularly. Also, if you are reading Sex Slave, the new chapter will be up tomorrow. Hope u enjoyed this chapter though . New one is coming soon. Love u <3

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