Chapter 9 - 'How could you'

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I wasn't sure how to react to this. "What the fuck" I yelled. "Please calm down" she cried. "Were you drunk" I asked not daring to look her in the eye. "No... I was sober" I really had the urge to punch her in the face, I mean my best friend in the whole world is having a baby with my ex. And what makes it worse is that she cheated on him. Not that I can judge, I obviously did it too, but she was sober, I wasn't. I stormed out, down the stairs and out the front door. I really need to be alone right now.


I saw Ariana coming down the stairs and she looked angry. I didn't want to bother her right this moment because I knew we would end up fighting and I didn't want that to happen. I walked upstairs, into Alexis's room and saw her crying on the floor. "Alexis what happened" I asked while rubbing her back. "I-I did something t-terrible to the two people I love most" she stuttered. I helped her up arms she sat on the bed. "What did you do" I asked. She wiped her tears away then looked me in my eyes. "Please don't tell Beau" she begged. "Okay I won't" she took a deep breath and I could see her shaking a little. "I cheated on Beau" I looked down at the floor and thought about how Beau would react to this. He would probably be more of a mess than I was. "Who with" I questioned looking back up at her. "J-justin" she cried. I gave her a small hug and told her she had to tell Beau sooner or later before he finds out off someone else. She nodded her head and wanted to have a sleep so I left and went to go find Ari. I walked outside and her car was still here so I figured she wouldn't be far. I kept walking until I found the park we came to when I first arrived in Florida. I then saw a familiar tree in the distance and ran over to it. I climbed to the top and found the words.

Jai + Ariana = forever

And underneath it, I saw something else. Something that wasn't here before.

I miss you, I'm so sorry Jai

I remember when we had that fight and technically broke up, kinda. We didn't divorce it was just like having a break. She wasn't in the tree, so I climbed back down and saw her sitting on a bench behind the tree. I walked over and took a seat next to her. "You okay" I asked. She just shrugged her shoulders. "Alexis told me" I spoke. "When" she turned to fave me. "Just then" I answered and moved closer to her. "Do you hate her" I asked. She took a deep breath. "She knew what she was doing was wrong. She was sober and had control over it. I never thought she would go there and I feel betrayed by her. But I know she feels terrible and I can't be mad at her forever, I forgive her, I just need space from her for a while." She explained. I'm glad she doesn't hate her, I know they would be lost without each other. But one questioned still remained un answered. "And what about us" I asked. It took a while for her to respond. "I'm pissed at you, I don't want to be, I regret doing certain things with you, I hate that you never saw your son, not even once when we were fighting, but I'm still madly in love with you and I would hate to get a divorce. I want to be with you for the rest of my life, can we start over" she smiled. "We sure can" I gave her a nice long kiss and thought, I wish this moment could last forever.


Once I finished my nap, I decided that I would take Jai's advice and tell beau about Justin. He knew I was pregnant but he thought it was his, obviously. I made my way downstairs, walking fast as I wanted to get it over with. As soon as I saw him I stopped in my tracks and realised I couldn't do it. As I was about to walk away, Beau called. "Babe" he came up and hugged me. "When is your next appointment" he asked. "Next week, on Monday" I smiled. "Alright I'm coming" he gave me a quick kiss then went back the boys.


Jai and I went back to Alexis's house so we could get Kai. "Hey Alexis in sorry about before" I said as we stood in the kitchen. "Me too, I'm so sorry about the whole Justin thing" she frowned. I turned and looked at beau. "I'm not the one you should be apologising to" I said and pointed to beau. "I can't, I'll hurt him" she said with a tear falling down her face. "As long as you think he won't be able to find out" I half smiled and hugged her goodbye. Jai was out putting Kai in the car while I said goodbye to the boys. "So you guys all good" Luke asked. "Yeah" I smiled and gave him a quick hug. "You ready babe" Jai yelled from the front door. "Coming" I replied and ran out to the car. "I'm so glad we worked things out" Jai smiled and gave me a quick kiss. "Me too" I replied and started the car.

Thanks for reading guys I hope you like this chapter, it's not the best but anyway, next update will be next week. 💜💜💜

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