Chapter 7 - Where's Jai

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(Three days later)
So today is the day of Noah's funeral and I'm really not looking forward to it obviously. I haven't really heard from Jai since the day Noah passed away. I've sent him a few text messages but he hasn't replied. I understand it is a hard time for all of us but I just want to know that he's okay. "Ari are you up here" Luke yelled from the top of the staircase. "In my room" I yelled. He came in and helped me zip up my black dress.

"You ready" he asked while I tied his tie

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"You ready" he asked while I tied his tie. "Not at all. You?" I questioned. "Nope" he said popping the p. "Have you heard from Jai" he asked. "No, I've texted him but he won't reply to any of them" I said while strapping my heels on. "Cunt" he said quietly to himself. I stood up and put a little makeup on then grabbed my black clutch bag. "Alright, it's time" I said. We walked down the stairs and saw everyone sitting in the living room, looking like zombies. None of us have slept these past few days, we don't really know what to do. I hope once the funeral is done, we can all try to move on but I don't see that happening any time soon. "The guy driving the coffin is here Ari" Beau said "Are you guys ready" Luke sighed. Everyone nodded and got in the cars. Luke, Daniel, Kai Selena and I were in my car and Beau, Alexis, Matt and James were in Beau's car. I followed the guy that drove the coffin to the cemetery.

There are a lot of people here, I'm so happy that everyone is here to say one last goodbye. "Mum, Frankie" I yelled and ran into their arms crying. "Oh sweetie" mum cried. Frankie went and talked to the boys. "It's not fair" I said while wiping my tears. "Oh honey I know it's not fair, he was a good kid" she spoke. "Have you seen Jai" I asked. "No I thought he would be coming with you" she replied. Great he's not here, I swear to god if he doesn't come I'm gonna lose it. "We have to go inside  now" we linked arms and sat at the front, the boys came and sat next to us.

"I would like to call Noah's mother, Ariana to the stand" I walked to the front, with Alexis. She would finish the speech for me it I couldn't do it. "First of all I want to thank everyone for coming today, I really appreciate it and I know Noah does as we'll. Noah was a special kid, he made me a better person and I know I've made a few mistakes in the past but he always tried to make me feel better, and it always worked. Those two and half years, were the best years of my life. I struggled trying to keep up with everything, it was all so hard. He was so smart and so kind and I don't know how I'm gonna live without him. He was and still is my everything. He learned so much, so fast. He never got to live his life, he deserved much more than this. Noah, I love you so much, I'll never forget you. Rest in peace baby" everyone clapped and wiped their teary eyes. Jai's still not here and I need him more than anything right now.

When the ceremony was over. Luke, Beau, James and Daniel carried the coffin out to be buried. The head stone didn't have an engraving yet but it still looked nice. The headstone was a heart with a teddy bear holding onto it.

 The headstone was a heart with a teddy bear holding onto it

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"Did you choose that" Luke asked referring to the headstone. "Yeah you like it" I asked. "It's perfect" he smiled and brought me into a hug. We watched the coffin get lowered into he ground and everyone threw flowers on it. "Goodbye son" I whispered. We walked back to the church which was about a 5 minute walk. It's actually a huge cemetary. I said goodbye to everyone then decided to go see Noah once more before I left. I saw someone in the distance. As I got closer I realised it was Jai. He was dressed in a black suit with his hands in his pockets, staring at the stone. I went and stood next to him. "I'm so sorry" he said breaking the silence. "What do you mean" I asked. "I didn't make it on time" I walked a little closer to him. "It's okay, you're here now" I said rubbing his shoulder. I saw tears falling from his eyes, so I pulled him into a hug. I let him cry on my shoulder for 10 minutes until he pulled away. "I was a terrible father" he said wiping his tears. "No, Jai don't say that" he shook his head. "No I was, I left both of you, I shouldn't have done that. I'm not a dad anymore so it should be easier" I turned him around to face me. "Jai, you are a dad, your Kai's dad" I smiled. "Justin is Kai's dad" I looked him right in the eyes. "Listen to me Jai, I don't care who's spirm it was, Kai is your son okay, not Justin's" he gave me a small smile then leaned in to kiss me.

Okay not the best chapter but oh we'll. Hope you enjoyed and I will be updating within a few days. Love you 💜💜💜

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