Chapter 14

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"Cant you just take one day off!" Emily exclaimed when i walk into the diner ready to work for the next five hours.

"Nope. Im not going to. I need the money, if i dont work i dont get money. If i dont get the money, i cant help my dad." I said slowly for her as I added in exaggerated head nods.

"No way!" She yelled sarcastically, making people look our way.

I rolled my eyes and walked up to the counter hoping she would just drop the subject. Instead she follows me behind the counter. She knows shes not allowed back here but she never listens. Its gotten to the point where my boss doesn't even bother to say anything to her.

"You never go out, you don't have a social life, there is a hot guy into you and you still wont go?" She says coming closer to my face when i try to punch my time card in. She snatches it out of my hands and holds it above her head.

"He doesn't like me." I state seriously.

"You're delusional!" She cries out.

"Emily! Im gonna be late! Give me my time card and let me work." I say to her. I try jumping for it but she pulls it away every time. I hate being short.

We start to pull, push, even hit each other as i try to get the card and she tried to keep it away from me.

"Whats going on here!" My boss yells. My head snapped toward the sound of her booming voice through the kitchen.

"Lea! She wont take time off work." Emily says.

"I like working!" I try to defend myself but fail to when they both give me the same look to where they know I'm lying.

"You can take the day off Lea, we have people to cover for you." My boss says crossing her arms.

"You don't understand. I need the money, therefore i need to work." I say getting upset.

"Payed leave." She simply said and began to walk away.

"Wait!" I call her out. "What do you mean?"

"Take the night off. Ill pay you anyways." She clarified and walked away.

I stood there astonished at what just took place. Im getting paid for not working. Who ever gets that type of gift. Ive only heard about when a women just had a baby they give her a year off to be there for the baby and they lay her like she is actually working, but thats in Canada.

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