Ch. 2

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"Hello my names Lea and ill be your waiter today. Can i start you off with any drinks?" I ask the couple sitting in a booth.

"Just two Cokes please." The boy says looking at the girl next to him.

"Is Pepsi fine sir?" I asked scribbling down his order.

"Sure." He smiles and i return it before walking away to go get their drinks.

Almost done with work. Its 5:57 now and i get off at 7:00. Just one more hour. I can get through this.

I grabbed two of the glass cups, scooping ice into them. Then adding the Pepsi and setting them on a tray to be quick to get them to the costumers.

"Are you ready to order?" I ask them and they both look down on their menus and glance back up at me.

"Um we will just have an order of fries and a vanilla milkshake." He replied while handing me the two menus.

"Okay that will be done shortly." I tell him. With a nod i head back to the kitchen.

I started to worry when i thought about Ben at home. Hes alone and my Mom is most likely working the night shift. Its making me feel uneasy, afraid, and nervous thinking what would happen if something happened to him when we were gone. My dad is in prison for something he didnt do. He cant help us at all. All i have to do is help my mom bail him out.

The other part of mind tells me i have nothing to worry about. That nothing with happen to Ben.

There is also that little sub-conscience in my head constantly saying..... Im doing all this for nothing because he is never gonna get out.

After that one couple left i thought the diner would soon die down and hopefully i would get to go home early. Thats when a group of rowdy teenagers burst through the diners doors like a pack of wild animals.

I look at my boss who was now at the cash register and she tries her best to give me and apologetic smile and she nods her head towards them signing for me to serve them. I sigh and i tighten my apron and stuff my pad and pen back into the pockets and make my way to the corner at which they were now sitting.

"What can i get you guys?" I asked skipping the whole introduction because most of these kids here go to my school.

"A burger and fries, strawberry milkshake, a chicken basket, your bacon and eggs dish and Pepsi all around." One of the guys answers for them all while trying to act slick by pulling out his wallet.

"You pay at the end." I inform him and his face falls causing the girls that were with him to giggle.

"Right. I knew that." He tried to covers up his mistake.

"Yeah sure Alec." Another guy says that i didn't notice was even here.

I meet his eyes and he just stared at me and i ripped mine away from the awkward contact.

"Ill be back in a few minutes with your drinks." I say to them.

That was weird, i thought to myself. Im just gonna shake it off, hopefully not being any weirder when i come back. I already feel uncomfortable knowing that most of those girls go to my school and same with the boys. I cant help but notice the fact that the girls keep giving me dirty looks. Like! Its not like I'm gonna steal them away from you! I don't even like boys! I hate them, they are rude, disgusting, inappropriate, but they are very attractive. Im very comfortable just watching from a far. Im not looking for a relation ship, not for a while. Its hard enough trying to manage work, school and my brother. Adding a boy would just make it worse.

The group didn't leave for another half an hour causing disruption through out the calm diner. I wanted to tell them to get out if they couldn't act their age and mature, technically i couldn't do that sense i don't own this place. Soon enough they did eventually live. Making me free to leave after i picked up their mess they made.

I grabbed my leather jacket and slid it on and grabbed my backpack, pulling out my hair from inside my jacket. I tell a quick goodbye to all my coworkers.

I eventually got out of the diner and actually got to head home. From there all i get to do is homework and make sure my brother has eaten and gets to bed by a decent hour.

I pulled into the drive way and my heart fills warm when i see my moms white car in the drive way. Shes probably talking with Ben now.

I hurry up and run into the house. I see my mom sitting on the counter with her favorite mug in her hands. She held it close to her body like it had warmth. That made me think its most likely her favorite type of tea.

"Mom! You're home early!" I run up to her and wrap my arms around her.

"I wanted to be home to see Ben before he went to bed. Also to see you after work." She smiles and poked my nose.

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