Chapter 22

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"Lea! You are supposed to be serving table 8 there food right now!" My boss yells from behind the counter.

"Im trying to get table 3 refills at the moment." I yell back in a slightly nicer tone.

"Just hurry up!" She screamed.

Im hoping that the small three foot door is sound proof to the diner because I'm expecting some complaints after tonight.

"And table 4 wants more coffee, Lea. So chop- chop" she says.

With the plater of assorted drinks i quickly but carefully walk over to table 3 and set down there drinks before sending off a small smile before I disappeared.

With the plater still in hand, i loaded it with the plates from table 8 and went out for the second time.

Today has been the most hectic day at the diner in a long time. I don't like to admit it but I was really out of it today. I've dropped a plater of food while trying to get out of the kitchen and when I was handing out drinks to a family I spilled a drink on the husband. He didn't look to happy but he responded polietly. Its all because of him. Landon has been stuck in my head since what happened. The kiss.

I dropped off the food for table 8. I took a deep breath to try to sooth my nerves. With my eyes closed for a brief moment I ended up running straight into a hard chest. I stumbled back and reopened my eyes. To my horror it was Landon standing there sheepishly with his hands in his pockets.

"We need to talk. "He said.

"I'm working. " I said and walked past him. He grabbed my wrist and tugged so I turned around.

"I'll need a table then." He smirked. I rolled my eyes and continued to walk away.

I didn't realize how fast the time went by and before I knew it it was ten minutes till closing. There were only a few people scattered amongst the diner, this of which included Landon. He was patiently waiting for me at the booth where I first met him.

I was bussing the tables as people left. Most of them were completely trashed and were very time consuming.

"When's your shift over?" A voice startled me from behind. Speak of the devil.

"None of your business. Now excuse me as I clean some tables." I said to him as I kept cleaning not bothering to turn around.

"There is an awkward tension between us and I feel like we need to talk about it. Talk about us..." He trailed off.

"Us?" I questioned. "I wasn't aware that we were together." I chuckled sarcastically.

"You know what I mean." He huffed.

I stayed silent and focused on scrubbing down the tables. I heard the clatters of dishes from next to me. At first I didn't think anything of it but then i realized that I was the only one on clean up.

"What do you think you are doing?" I asked Landon as he walked by with a bucket full of dirty dishes.

"What does it look like sunshine." He smirked at me and went into the kitchen.

I quickly sat down the rag and spay bottle that I was using and grabbed the bucket that I had picked up full of dishes. I raced into the kitchen. When I got back by the washers I saw my boss having a nice conversation with Landon. I rolled my eyes once again and sighed before handing off the dishes to my coworker.

Landon walked by me with satisfaction. His high held smirk and deviating eyes says it all. A quickly wink in my direction is the home run.

"What a nice boy!" My boss exclaimed.

"Oh sure." I faked a smile.

"You are free the leave Lea. Thank you for coming in so early." She smiled.

"No problem." I said before taking off my apron and walking away.

Landon was leaning against the cash register when I came out from the back.

"Ready to go?" He smirked and stood up straight.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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