Chapter 3

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We were at our going away party at a Hal's. I was sitting with my boys when Coach was making his going away speech.

"It's been a rare privilege to have lived here as long as I have, coaching you boys as long as I have. I'll be taking the year off-." Coach Yoast said sadly.

Cries of outrage was heard through the crowd. "After which I'll be moving to Lowden, taking the head coaching job at Lowden High and Gabriella will play for them."

People look at me and I sunk In my seat and Ray squeezed my hand to comfort me.

Alan's father stood up and yelled "I say we boycott T.C. Williams!" A bunch of "yeahs" was heard through the sea of people.

Gerry stood up from our table. "Coach, he stole your job. I'm not playing for him. I've started a petition and I'm sitting this season out plus it's not a team without-" he looked and pointed at me " Gabrielz in it." Gerry explained.

The whole team nodded and shouted "yeahs". It made me feel good.

"Boycott T.C." Mr. Bosley cried. "Boycott the school!" Coach stood toe-to-toe with Mr. Bosley. "Stop this, Frank, you know these boys can't afford to go to some other district to play ball. They sit this season out, they put their futures on the line" he told him quietly but firmly.

Ray let go of my hand and stood, "Coach? I ain't playin' for no thief. I ain't playin any season without Gabbs. You and her make the team and without ya'll-" he shook his head. "without ya'll there ain't a team."

"Don't do this" I stood up as well my eyes was watering. "Don't make it harder for us than it already is" I pleaded with them firmly. Tears fell from my eyes. I wiped them.

Alan stood. " Coach, if ya'll go, I go" he said simply,as if that was the only way. " I only play for you, Coach" all the boys started chanting "coach" and clapping. This was all to much for me. I ran out and sat on a bench. I started crying in my hands. Someone started prying my hands away from my face. I looked up and saw Alan. I hugged him and started crying on his shoulder. I saw Gerry and Ray behind him. I stopped hugging Al and wiped my face.

"This isn't right." I stated. "This isn't fucking right!" I yelled outraged. "This  is home not Lowden.!" I was dragging out the words for emphasis and moving my hands around to show that Virginia was home. The guys nodded. "T.C. Williams is my school not Lowden High." "You are my brothers not them!" I screamed of frustration.

No one said anything after that we all looked at each other.

I was drying dishes and putting them away while Uncle Bill was reading the newspaper.

"So what did Boone want to speak with you about last night?" I asked Coach while drying a plate.

"He offered me a job for assistant coach" he told me, not looking up from his newspaper.

"What did you say?" I asked my uncle curiously.

"I told him that I'll get back with him." He put the newspaper down and looked at me. "What do you think I should do?" He asked me seriously.

I stopped drying the dishes and put the dry tile on my shoulder and lent against the higher cabinets.

"You should take it" I gave him my answer.

"Really?" Coach asked me surprised that with what I told him. I think he thought I was going to say that Coach Boone could shove that offer up his ass.

I nodded " We're making history! Think bout' it. blacks and whites coming together on a football team and  fighting racism while winning games. Who knows?" I shrugged. "We may even win the championships. Come on Coach lets make season 16 happen." I looked him in the eye "You could be T.C. Williams's Hall of Famer."

"Alright, I'll call Boone in the morning and tell him that I accept his offer" Coach Yoast said.

I went back to drying dishes and he went back to his newspaper.

I was drying a pot and turned back to him.

"Plus he said he wanted to learn from the best, so we could teach him." I said confidently " he can't win without us."

My uncle raised his eyebrows "We?"he asked.

"Yeah. We." I snorted. "You even couldn't do it without me." I said a little full of myself pointing at him and at me.

"Finish drying those dishes young lady" uncle Bill scolded me playfully.

I flipped my hair and replied "You know it's true."

He rolled his eyes and smiled saying "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah." while waving his left hand.

~The Color Of Love~ A Julius Campbell Lovestory(Remember the Titans)Where stories live. Discover now