Chapter 4

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"So, tell me again why are we all just standing out here instead of going into the gym?" I asked no one in particular, just wanting a straight up answer.

We were all standing outside instead of going in the gym for the team meeting at 2:30.It was already 2:22 and some of the team-mates haven't even shown up yet.

"We're tryin' to teach Boone a lesson that he is not the damn coach and we are not going to listen to his ape ass." Ray told me harshly.

"So we told some team-members to show up late and we are all going to walk in the gym together and make our scene." Gerry chimed in.

I shook my head at both of them and walked to Coach where he was talking to Coach Tyrell.

"So, uncle Bill I know why they are out here." I told him while pointing to the football players that were actually here. "But, why are you out here?" I asked him putting my hands on my hips.

"I'm not going to be a pushover." my uncle told me quietly. I nodded my head a little. I can understand where he is coming from.

"Well, I'm going to go inside the gym and check out the others." I said to everyone. "Anyone care to join me?" I asked looking around with a smile. I only got "what the hell looks" in return.

I looked over and saw Alan standing by Gerry and Ray.

"How about you Alan? Would you care to join me?" I asked Alan hopefully.

Ray and Gerry gave Alan these looks like "you better not say yes".

Politely Alan said, "no."

I let out a breath. Alan needs to stop being such a follower and start sticking up for himself  to Gerry, Ray, and especially his father. I started walking away until I was pulled back by my upper arm. I turned around to face the person that grabbed me and suddenly I'm looking into  Ray's cold eyes.

"If any. If any of them niggers-" he said the word filled with venom. "even look at you cross-eyed you come to me, okay?" He asked me aggressively. 

I nodded my head and gave him a hug. I know what he said wasn't right but him being protective of me, gave me a good feeling because he shows that he cares for me.

I was now inside the gym and decided to hide behind the bleachers because I want to check out this team before I introduce myself. I could see that a few people were already there.

"We gonna' play some ball ya'll! Black inside! Black inside! Black inside!" I could hear one of them who sported a mole on his upper lip yell cheerfully as he high fived some of the others around him.

"Hey yo, Petey!" A large man shouts gaining his attention.

At some point in time, I learned all their names.

"How many yards you think you gon' get this season, bruh?" The large dark skinned male asked Petey.

Petey responds," You know I ain't one to brag, Big Blue." "But since you asked, I figured at least uh... a thousand." I snorted and all the guys started laughing and joking at his expense.

"But I ain't one to brag." Petey said again.

"Hey, didn't I tell you how them white boys weren't goin' play for no brotha?" A tall, sharped handsome dark-brown skinned looking guy states catching the others attention.

You ain't lying, I thought.

"Who needs 'em baby! From now on the Titans is gon' be powered by soul power, bruh." Blue whoops loudly and begins to sing.

I snorted. Oh, you need us. Without Gerry and I, plus my uncle you all won't win the championship. 

A loud whistle sounds through the air. I saw Coach Boone and another dark-skinned black man walk in. I'm guessing that the other man is his assistant coach.

I watched as Boone stalked up to Petey who had his hand raised like an idiot and had a cheesy smile on his face. This isn't going to end well.

"Put your hand down!" He told Petey sharply. Petey's smile faded and he lowered his hand. I stifle a laugh.

"You smiling." Coach Boone stated.

"Yes." Petey hesitantly replied.

"Yessir!" Boone corrected him demanding respect. Respect is earned not given.

"Why are you smiling?" He asked demandingly.

"Cause I love football." Petey replied slowly. "Football's fun?" Petey asked confusingly. I laughed a little at Petey's face expression.

"Fun sir! It's fun? You sure?" Boone shouted at him while getting all up and personal.

Wide eyed Petey answered with, "I think so."

Coach Boone's voice boomed, "Now you thinking! First you smile then you think? You still think football is fun?"

"Uh...Yes!"Petey answers smiling once again. I just kept shaking my head at him.

"Sir." Coach Boone said still demanding respect.

Petey frowned and started to stumble over his words against his harsh stare "Yes..No.. S-Sir. Uhhh.. Well, it was fun." Petey oh Petey I kept repeating in my head while shaking my head once again. Do you need a ladder for that pit you dug yourself in?

"Not anymore though, is it? Is it?" Boone demands standing in Petey's face causuing Petey to stutter out a bunch of no's. "No, It's not fun anymore. Not even a little is it?"

"Uhhh...No." Petey stutters.

I grabbed my hair and started banging my head lightly against the bleachers.

"Make up your mind!" Coach Boone once again shouts. "Go ahead, make up your mind now that you're thinking."

"No sir." Petey said.

"Absolutely not?" Boone asked.

"Zero fun, sir." Petey finally answers correctly.

Coach Boone finally glances away from Petey to address the others.

"Alright, listen up I'm Coach Boone! I'm going to tell you all how much, fun. He announces and glanced at Petey.

"We leave for camp to Gettysburg College. August 15th at 7:29 a.m.." He listed off "If you report at 7:30, you will not be playing football this season you will be watching." I gave a "what the hell" look. One minute late and you're off the team!

"This is no democracy. This is a dictatorship. I am the law. If you survive camp you will be on the team. If you survive." I raised my eyebrows in surprised by hearing this. Is he serious. Is he serious. My uncle wasn't a dictator, he let everyone have a voice.

"Check 'em in, Coach." Boone said stepping aside and letting the other black male take his place.

"I'm Coach Hines your offensive line coach. Yell out your name and position starting from the right." He announces casing Petey to grin ear to ear once again. Damn this kid smiles to much.

"Petey Jones. Running back. THE Running Back, ya'll." He joked causing the others to laugh. Even Coach Hines chuckled but Boomer didn't seem impressed.

"Jerry Harris. Quarterback." A new voice pipes up catching my attention. This male seemed very well put together. He had a "goody goody " look about him and seemed very kind by the smile on his face. Everyone around him began to shout "Rev!" and "Hallelujah!".

Suddenly I heard running and saw a large white male making his way in the crowd. It became dreadfully silent as the newcomer tried to catch his breath.

"And, who in the name of heaven might you be?" Coach Hines asks pointing a pen in his direction.

"Uhm, Louie Lastik. Offensive Lineman. Naval family just moved in. Someone said football, so I come running. What's going on everybody?" He asked with a light smile.

Awkward silence seemed to follow. It seemed that whites aren't the only ones that are slightly racist. It seems the blacks weren't to fond of the opposite color either.

It was time for me to make my own entrance.

~The Color Of Love~ A Julius Campbell Lovestory(Remember the Titans)Where stories live. Discover now