Chapter 5

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I walked out from behind the bleachers and headed towards them. Heads turned from Louie to me. They had looks of confusion and "why the hell is a girl here? A white girl at that? Does she play football''

"Excuse me, Miss are you lost? Are you suppose to be in here?" Coach Hines asked me politely.

"No sir." I shook my head. "this is where I belong." I told him factly.

"Are you sure because I saw the cheerleaders practicing outside and you look mighty fine to me-" Petey said looking up and down my body like I was eye candy. "to not be one."

"Am I right or am I right?" he asked no one in particular while slapping hands with Julius, who looked at me with a blank expression.

Petey came over and threw an arm around my shoulders.

"I mean a girl like you." I raised an eyebrow. "a girl like you should shouldn't be playing a mens' sport." I grind my teeth together. "you should be on the sidelines in a cheerleading uniform cheering us men, Titans on as we win games and the championship." Oh hell nawl! I took Petey's arm from around my shoulder and got in his face with a glare on my face and put a hand on my hip.

"A girl like me?" I asked Petey surprisingly calmly while emphasizing the word girl. "A girl like me!" I cried hysterically. "If a boy like you" I poked his chest with my index finger. "a colored boy while at that can play football then why can't a "girl" like me" I put air quotes around the word girl. "a white girl at that play too?" I asked him while still poking his chest. I walked to the middle to where everyone was standing. "If you all can break racial boundaries by integrating an all white school and the football team, then why can't I break gender boundaries. I am tired of egotistical and close-minded men thinking that a woman is only good in two things" I held up my first finger. " in the kitchen" I held up my second finger. "and in the bedroom." "Women are more than eye candy" I looked at Petey. "We are more than cooks and breeders." I looked around the room at every person here. "All of us have boundaries to break whether they're racial boundaries or gender boundaries, it's still obstacles standing in our way." "So, how about we break these boundaries" I make my hand in a breaking motion. "TOGETHER." I put my right hand up and waved it in a circler motion then made it into a fist.

Everyone was silent. I looked around the room and got looks of "I never thought about that" and most of all respect.

"This is Miss Gabriella Martinez. She plays fullback/running back and wide receiver. She can play any position easily." Coach Boone introduced me like a proud parent.

"Now where is your other team-mates?" He asked me.

I scratched the back of my neck and replied, "Well, some of the guys, umm... is late and the others decided...decided to you know....wait on them for they can all make an entrance together." I rambled.

"They should be like a couple of minutes or...or... seconds." I told him.

Doors being shoved open could be heard, echoing through the gym catching our attention.

"There they are." I said quietly.

Gerry, Alan, Ray, my uncle, and the rest of the team came barging in the gym. They all looked as if they owned the place. Gerry and Ray were in the front of the pack with cold faces. They were lead by my dearest uncle and Tyrell and by the look on Coach Boone's face he wasn't impressed at the moment.

Later that night I was talking to my daddy and telling him everything that happened.

"So Bill actually decided to stay and you decided that you're going to play, play for him?" My daddy asked.

"Yupp." I told him simply. "What can I say? The Coach Boone needs us and the team needs us. We leave for camp tomorrow."

"I know camp is going to tough for ya'll, but ya'll got to come together as one. Gabbs you got to remember the words of wisdom I preached in your head and you need to get the team to come together." My daddy told me.

"Yea, dad I will do just for you. You know I love you very much daddy, but it's 12:00 and I got to get up early. So, by daddy love you!" I told him sleepily.

"Love you too, pumpkin." My daddy told me lovingly.

I hung up the phone and took my ass to bed ready for what tomorrow has to await.

~The Color Of Love~ A Julius Campbell Lovestory(Remember the Titans)Where stories live. Discover now