Chapter 1

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My name is Isabel, but my friends, well friend calls me bell. I'm 16 years old and a proud member of the Royal Family. I am an only child to my parents whom are King Tobias and Queen Genevieve.
As Mini softly brushes through my long chocolate brown hair, I faintly dab on some light pink blush into my pale olive cheeks.

"Which dress would my Lady like to wear tonight?" Mini asks setting my silver brush down on the wooden dressing table.

I look at her through the overhanging mirror and smile, she was wearing a black dress with long sleeves and a white apron that wrapped up over her chest and around her neck also her black hair was tied back with a white headpiece. "I'm not sure, how about you pick one for me"

Mini nods and smiles, "Of course my Lady." She turns away and walks over to my closest.

I quickly turn to her before she walks in, "Please don't let it be a pink one!" I yell over to her.

"I know my Lady" she yells back entering my closet.

A moment later Mini walks back out holding up a light creamy brown, slightly puffed shoulder dress that had gold vines with leaves printed right around the bottom of the dress. "Perfect" I smile and jump up from my stool.

"Will I see you tonight at the ball?" I ask as I stand behind my baby blue and white opaque design changing screen where Mini helped me into my dress.

"No my Lady, but I'll be right here when you get back." Mini smiled as I slipped my arm through the sleeve.

"I'll hold you to that" I smiled

"Yes my Lady, and how would you like your hair this evening? The most popular trends lately are-" Mini started but I cut her off

"I'm just going to have it out, I like it better this way" I smiled

"Of course my Lady" Mini curtseys, "How about shoes?"

"Shall we look then" I walked into my closet and took a right at the end of the clothes section, I walked into my shoe room and Mini and I glance over all my shoes.

I find a pair of two inched heals that was the same colour of my dress with a gold swirly pattern around all sides of the shoe, even around the outline of the heal. It had a thin line of blue lace around the top of the high cut shoe. "These ones! Definitely!" I grinned showing the shoe to Mini.

"They are perfect my Lady" she smiled, "Shall I?" She gestured to the red cushioned seat. I grabbed the other shoe and walked over to mini and handed them to her. I sat down on the seat and Mini slipped my shoes on.

"Thanks" I smiled and Mini blushed

"It should be time to go now my Lady" Mini smiled as we walked back out into my bed room. "Do have a pleasant time"

"I shall" I smiled and walked out my door closing it behind me. I rested on the door and took in a few deep breaths. I stood up straight and fixed myself, I stepped forwards and started walking down the hall to the ball room. I passed multiple guards standing like statues, each one wore a white wig with one curl above their ears, they wore a black and red tunic with creamy brown trousers and black leather shoes. I stopped in front of a passing window and looked out at the sky. A few white clouds where slowly passing by and the afternoon suns ray's lit up the Royal garden. I saw a couple of gardeners trimming the bushes and cleaning the fountains. Sitting on one of the white hand made cement benches I saw a boy laying on his back with his arms resting under his head. He wore cream trousers and black knee high boots with a deep red coat with black waists, it was cut to his waist and hung down to the back of his legs, under I could see he was wearing a black jacket, a white shirt and a black tie. He had dark brown almost black short messy hair that fell around his resting face. I smiled and hastily made my way down the hall and out the back way to the garden.

I snuck over to the boy laying down and stood in front of him without saying a word. He had an oval shaped head, a strong jaw line, his bottom lip was a bit larger then the top and he had a roman shaped nose. I smiled and forcefully tapped the boy on his stomach and yelled "Rar!"

He sat up in shock and slowed his breaths, "Bloody hell, you gave me a heart attack Bell" he smirked running his fingers through his messy hair.

I gazed into his emerald green almond shaped eyes and smiled, "Well I wouldn't of have woken you any other way, Eric" I raised my brow at him.

"That's true" he winked at me then glanced over my attire. "You look beautiful" Eric stood up smiling, he was at least 6foot, 4.

"Thank you, and you look quite handsome yourself" I smirked bowing to Eric.

Eric lifted his head and held out his arm, "Shall, I escort you to the ball?" His voice was deep and proper.

I lifted my head and grabbed onto his arm, "You shall, good sir." I acted like a proper lady.

We laughed and made our way to the ball. The guards opens the doors for us and the sound of music and laughter filled out ears. The guard speaker smiled at us and banged his staff two times on the floor, the music softened and the people stared.

"The Royal Princessa Isabell, and Sir Eric" The guard spoke in a loud deep voice then Eric and I started descending the stairs and the crowed bowed.

"I have gun powder" Eric whispered to me as we where half way down the stairs.

I smirked "And I have kitty litter"

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