Chapter 15

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Felix and I walked out the front gates of the castle and everyone around that we saw bowed to us.
We walked all the way through town but stopped at the bakers to buy some fresh jam buns.

"So where abouts dose your friend Eric live" Felix asked then I laughed a little when I saw jam on the corner of his lips. He whipped it off after I pointed it out.

"Just there" I pointed at Eric's place

"Oh," he smiled, "Its a nice place"

"Its better inside" I said as we walked passed. I wonder if Anne was inside?

"So tell me, what sort of thing do you like to do?" Felix asked

I kept facing forwards and smiled, "I like to run"


"Yes, on a horse. My horse Angus is the fastest thoroughbred alive" I smirked looking up at Felix. "Do you ride?"

"A little, but it uncomforts me" Felix smiled holding his hands behind his back again.

"I find it comfortable" I smiled, then saw the drunken man that one morning when I snuck out to give Anne a lemon cake. He smiled and have me a tip of the hat while a woman who was holding into his arms talk about something.

"Anything else, besides riding?" Felix asked not noticing the man

"I like to cook, explore and do pretty much everything that a proper lady would not do" I said proudly and Felix cracked a smile.

"Your a very interesting lady Isabel" Felix smiled down at me then I saw the wharf. Id never been down along the seas edge before. There was large ships docked up almost everywhere and some out to sea.

"Wow" I breathed, "They're much larger up close"

"This ones mine" Felix gestured out to one of the ships docked. It was a chocolate brown and had gold and red outlines and a wooden mermaid at the front of the ship.

"Its-" how do I describe a ship? "Glorious" pat on the back for Isabel.

"Isn't she"

"You call it a she?" I frowned

"Yeah, and her name is Athena" Felix started walking over to his boat, I quickly followed

"Where did you get that name from?" I asked walking beside Felix

"Athena is the name of the mermaid that sits on the bowsprit." Felix pointed to the front of the ship at the wooden mermaid. "There is supposed a great legend about her too. Watch your step" Felix smiled as I stepped into the ramp up to the ship. Everything looks so smooth. I looked up and saw a few masts standing with horizontal poles across that, they must be the sails.

"Your majesty, everything is packed" I heard a deep voice. I saw a older man then Felix walk up to him, he wore a red coat with a white shirt and vest and black boots. He also wore a weird shaped hat. "My Lady" he quickly bowed when he saw me.

"Hello" I smiled

"Good man!" Felix tapped the man on the shoulder, "Now we are going on a quick trip out to sea"

"Yes, of corse" the man smiled then walked away. "Prepare to set sail men!!" He yelled out and everyone scurried around to their stations.

"Follow me" Felix smiled and we walked up these wooden steps along the side of the ship. We walked onto a top section with a large wheel close to the railings. The back of the boat just curved around and moved down the steps on the other side. I walked to the edge of the railing and looked down at everyone and everything.

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