Chapter 4

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After Eric and I put away our horses and took of the saddles, I took off my riding pants and boots, I slipped my shoes back on and walked out to Eric who was leaning on the wooden wall.

"See you tomorrow then" I smiled

"Until then" Eric nodded and we both went our separate ways. I snuck into the castle through the servers quarters and no one was surprised to see me cause I'd always sneak in and out through here.

"My lady, Just a warning that your mother is on the prowl for you" one of the servants said then walked away

I walked into the halls and quickly snuck back to my room.

"Isabel!" I heard my mothers voice.

"Ah crap" I mumbled then turned on my heal to face my mother

"Where have you been?! And what was with the explosion with the cake?! And some of our guests have been vomiting out in the front garden!" She yelled at me, she was still wearing her ball gown as the ball would have only just ended.

"I was outriding" I ducked my head

"Was Eric with you?" She asked

"Yes" I breathed

"And where you two responsible for the cake accident?" She crossed her arms

I didn't say anything, "Well? Tell me child?" She raised her voice

"Yes we where responsible, but it was my idea!" I fought back

"Well then, you are grounded until further notice." Mother said glaring down at me, "You are not allowed to leave this castle or see Eric"

"But-" I stuttered

"No buts! This is your consequence for your irresponsible actions" she said then turned around, "Now off to bed" she walked away down the hall

I let out a deep breath, "Well that could have gone better" I whispered to myself, and made my way back to my room.

"How was this evening my Lady?" I heard Mini ask

"Absolutely swell" I plainly said falling onto my bed.

"What happened?" She asked

I sat up a bit "Eric and I blew up the cake then we ran away to watch the sunset then I came back and now I'm grounded" I said sitting up properly then took of my shoes.

"How about a nice warm bath my Lady?" Mini asked, "I have one already set up for you"

"That's sound wonderful" I smiled

Mini helped me take off my dress then I stepped into my bath. The warm bubbly water overtaking my body.

"Why is being a princess so hard Mini" I asked looking at mini who handed me a scrubber

"I wouldn't know my Lady" mini smiled

"There has to be so much more to this life, I want adventure, gore, romance!" I said splashing the water.

"You have a romance story my Lady"

"Hm?" I stopped scrubbing myself and looked up at Mini

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