Chapter 14

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We ate our breakfast until my father broke the silence, "If you'll excuse me, Ill be in the study" he said standing up.

"Ill join you" My mother smiled and quickly caught up with father.

I looked down at my empty plate then glanced up at Felix. "So, um.. Tell me about yourself?" I stuttered trying to start a conversation.

"Well, I grew up with 9 brothers and 3 sisters, I'm the 4th oldest. My mother passed giving birth to her last child." Felix started

"Sorry for your loss" I mumbled

"Its okay," Felix smiled, "Um, I like to read, and explore the seas, thats when I found your land and decided to meet the owners"

"Whats it like on the seas?" I questioned, becoming interested in his story.

"For me, its amazing, I feel so free. The salty air, the vast horizons, the legends, arh, my list goes on" Felix explained, he seems to like the sea. "Have you ever been on a boat?"

"No, hah, mother says its not lady like for a women to slop around all day on a boat." I couldn't stop fiddling with my hands.

"Well, I will take you on my ship, and we don't have to tell your mum" Felix grinned

"Of course" I smiled

"Shall we go then?" Felix stood up and tucked his chair in.

"Now?" I looked up at him.

"Yes or are you busy?" Felix frowned pulling on the bottom of his vest.

"No, I um just let me change" I forced a smile standing up.

"Of course" Felix bowed, "May I escort you to your chambers?"

"Sure" I smiled and Felix and I walked to the end of the table then out the doors.

"Is it lonely being an only child?" Felix asked holding his hands behind his back as he walked beside me.

"Yes, but I have a friend who always comes around" I smiled thinking of Eric

"Who is your friend?"

"Um his name is Eric" I said looking up at Felix who's face dropped for a second.

"Oh, are you's close?"

"A little, but more like brotherly love" I lied, brotherly love, no way!

"Ah" Felix smiled, "Dose he live in the castle?"

"No, he lives in the village with his mother, shes very sick at the moment and needs all the care she can get" I said folding my arms over my chest.

"How sad" Felix breathed, "My prayers go to her"

"Thanks" I smiled, "Well this is my room, Ill be right back" I said backing into my bedroom.
I closed my door and then started freaking out. It wastnt because there was a young hot guy in my home who was about to take me out, it was about Eric. What if he sees us! Will he get the wrong idea?! What if he gets mad? What if he doesn't talk to me again?!

"Arrhhgg" I groaned smashing myself onto my made bed. "But he wouldn't do that, I know Eric. Ive seen him talking to other girls, did I get jealous and get the wrong idea?" I talked to myself over thinking things, "No! Well maybe, okay yes. But were okay now right? We're sorta together," I rolled onto to my back and looked up at the bed roof, I got a painter to paint the stars for me on it. I cant remember his name. "I don't even know what we are-"

"Um Isabel? Are you okay in there?" Felix said knocking from the other side of the door.

Oh my god, did he hear all that? "Yeah, Ill be with you in a minute." I quickly sat up and rushed over to my closet, then looked for a outside kinda dress. I found a creamy yellow dress with long sleeves and a neck cut. It had black lines around the wrist of the sleeves, the neck line, around the waist and horizontal lines across the chest. It was hard to try and tie a corset by yourself but I finally got it and I tied to to the tightness I wanted.
As I was pulling up the dress I heard a loud russell then a deep bang. I popped my head out the side of my changing wall and saw a man sitting on my floor under an open window. He looked up at me and I saw it was Eric.

"What are you doing!" I whispered

"What are you doing?" He shrugged standing up.

"Im trying to change" I said moving back behind my wall

"And I wanted to see you" Eric said, I could hear his boots tap on my wooden board floors.

"Um Eric?" I frowned


"Can you please help me?" I asked, I swear I had different body parts in the wrong holes.

"Wha-" Eric breathed then he bust out laughing when he saw me.

"Quiet" I tried coving his mouth with my hand. It half worked

Eric smirked and fixed me up, "There" he said stepping back taking a look at me then frowned, "Where are you going?"

"Out to the boats" I smiled

"Oh, you goin with that guy who's standing out the front of ya door?" Eric pointed at the door and I blushed

"Um, yeah" I said, please don't be mad, please don't be mad.

"Arh cool, wheres he from?" Eric asked crossing his arms over his chest.

"From over seas" I said fiddling with my dress.

"Is that why you's are goin to the boats?"

"Yes," I breathed, "Do you want to come?"

"No no, ill just watch from afar, don't want ya runnin off on me again" Eric relaxes his arms then kissed me on the forehead.  "Anyway, Im off to see ya mum, something important to talk about" he rubbed his hands together and stepped away from me.

"Okay" I smiled and I headed for the door, I heard Eric's foots steps behind me, I turned around and saw him following me.

"What, Im not goin out that window again" Eric gestured behind him to the open window.

I opened the door and I saw Felix sitting at the window seat, His eyes widened when he saw Eric. Felix quickly stood up and stepped over.

"This is Eric, my friend I was talking about" I smiled, but my heart was racing.

"Nice to meet you" Felix extended his hand to Eric then Eric shook it.

"Likewise" Eric smiled, "Well I'm off to mum, Ill cya later" Eric waved and walked away.

There was a awkward moment of silence, What do I say?!

"You look beautiful, no pink anymore" Felix smiled

"Thank you and I despise pink, I only wore it for my mother" I said running my hand over my hip.

"Well I thought you looked stunning in pink"

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