Chapter 2: The Attack

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As I heard the gunshot,I had closed my eyes and braced myself for the end, but the end did not come. Instead, the feeling of a warm liquid had splattered all over my face and the taste of blood hits my lips. I opened my eyes to see that girl hooded girl had miraculously appeared between me and the man. The only twist was, there was a big gapping hole where her heart should have been, and pieces of her vital organ was now scattered all across my body. Though it was the first time I had experienced this reality, years of fantasizing gory situations like this prepared me to be unfazed. The girl starts to fall and I catches her in arms only for us both to fall across stage. Quickly all of the crowd's chanting, turned into screams of the highest terror. While the fans do their best to get away, my eyes stay locked on the man's revolver. As he reloads the gun, and all I can do is stay frozen in fear.
"This time, I won't miss." The man said as the round clicked in.
He aimed for my head and a tear fell from my eye. The tear fell from my face to the girl's lifeless and pale skin. On impact her eyes open widely and she springs up only to throw a dark red dagger into the man's neck. At that moment I understood why I wasn't fazed by the her blood, because it wasn't squirting out the side and being purged at the same time! Looking at bloody vomit had got to be one of the most disgusting things I've ever looked at and I was already thinking, if I survive I need to start putting this in my books. The girl took this opportunity to jump up and kick the dagger deeper into his throat launching him onto the floor. The hooded girl grabbed me by the waist and started to run at super human speeds. As I was being lifted, I saw the man rip the dagger out if his throat, and chase right after us. The wound from his neck miraculously started. I looked at the girls chest and only a small scar remained. Who were these people? What did they want from me? Frankly, I was just glad I wasn't picked up by the one with the gun. We bust through the emergency exit and she jumps over and out of the convention. We had to have been at least 30 feet in the air. When we dropped down, I wished I could say we were safe, but sure enough the cloaked man was right on our tail, gun in hand. To slow as done he shot one of her legs.
"Ugh!" She yelled as the bullet pierced he calve, but she kept running. We past shops, malls, and complexes. Until there was nothing but wide open nature with only a forest in the horizon. The air was getting misty and the man's visibility had to have been lowered substantially. We were almost free but, before he'd let us go, he shot off a few more rounds. I'm guessing that last shot, hit her in the spine.
"Ah!" She cried in agony and fell unconscious. Her legs stopped moving and we started rolling on the grassy terrain at a high velocity. I grabbed hold of her and put her head in my chest to protect her from anymore damage. She had done enough to me today. When we stop rolling, I lift her onto my back a dash for the forest. Taking one last glimpse behind me and I see a big shadow of the man in the mist. Only more incentive for me to run faster I thought. When I enter the forest I search for a big burrow we could hideout in. I found no such thing and started digging with my nails. After it's big enough, I set the girl inside. I couldn't help but notice how familiar her face looked. So I slowly pull down her hood and see her long silver hair. Tears came pouring down my face. It was her.
"My beloved, Shinguru."

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