Why Am I Always Getting Sent to the Principal's Office?

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The sunny, warm-weathered day had no positive effect on my mood the day of the accident.  It was Valentine's day, and couples had already displayed horrendous amounts of PDA that nobody wanted to see.  I was on my way to the principal's office before school had even started.

Like I always was.

Everything always gets blamed on me.  I started the food fights.  I skipped class.  I vandalized the school gym.  I apparently did everything wrong at this school.

With earbuds in and my phone in hand, I sauntered into the school like nothing was wrong.  I was't completely sure why I was getting in trouble today, but it wasn't that big of a deal.

I was so wrong.

The hallways were filled with couples and groups of friends huddling around lockers and trying to write last-minute Valentine's Day cards.  At the end of the hallway there were two doors: the left one, which led to the school gym, and the principal's office.

Principal Jeffers had been working at the school for almost forty years.  With her white-gray hair and piercing blue eyes, she resembled an evil snowman.  She had the frosty attitude to match.  Unlike normal offices, Principal Jeffers' lacked the family pictures and the children's art projects.  The cream-colored walls were pristine and the desk was neatly ordered into tall stacks of paper.

"Please sit down Miss Morgan," Principal Jeffers sat cross-legged on her chair and glared at me.

Sitting down in one of the chairs nearest to the door, I glared right back, but with nowhere near as much hatred as she had for me.  The Principal rolled up to her desk and began to type something into her computer.  For what felt like an hour, I sat in my chair like a sitting duck.  She glanced at me and huffed a couple of times, but other than that we barely interacted.  Finally, she turned off the computer and pulled a packet of papers out of her brown desk drawer.

With a look of pure joy and contentment on her face she said:

"Miss Morgan, you have been expelled from Henderson High School."

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