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After The Wedding

After you and Francis did according to what was planned, it was time for him to take you home.

You, secretly hating the white dress you wore, put up a bright smile as he led you to the limousine.

After waving goodbye to the fam, you sighed heavily,

"Damn it,"

"What's wrong, amour?" He asked.

"None of your business, turd," you grumbled and sat back with your legs wide open.

"If you say so," he smiled.

"By the way," he started, "Our game starts when we reach,"

"Hah! I can't wait!" You smirked.

"Speaking of which," he looked out, "We're home already,"

"Oh wow. This limo is quick!" You exclaimed.

"Not really. It's just that the church is near my house," he said.

"Ah," you peeked outside, "What the hell?! Your house is big as f**k!"

"Merci beaucoup. You know, bad language is not really my thing," he said.

"And do you think I give a f**k?" You asked.

"Looks like you don't," he laughed.

"You're right. I don't," you grinned and got out of the limo as soon as it stopped.

Francis got out too and smiled,

"I can see that you are excited,"

"You bet I am, you frog!" You laughed loudly.

"I can't wait to annoy your ass off!"

"Oh?" He sighed happily and eyed you, "I can't wait for your antics,"

"Enough chatter. Let's go!" You said and lifted the dress as you strode in with confidence.


It was a long evening, after happily chatting with the maids and butlers.

You were genuinely happy to talk to them. At least, they took your mind off your husband.

Francis' house and the employees were great but you definitely did not consider him as great.

"Amour!" He called out from the garden, "Want some tea?"

You said nothing and came out to the garden. You wanted tea but not him.

He, being a gentleman, offered you a seat and pushed it front as soon as you sat down.

You couldn't tell what his motives were, since he was at the back. But, you knew what was coming.

He leaned in, with the intention of kissing your cheek, but you put your hand in the way.

Now, he was kissing your hand.

"Don't even try, turd," you grunted, "I just came for the tea,"

"You got me there," he chuckled and sat down on the other side.

He poured the fragrant tea in the teacups and offered you some one bite sandwiches.

"Thanks," you replied curtly, as you took what he offered.

You took a sip and sighed.

"Lavender tea," you guessed.

"That's right!" He smiled and gazed at you.

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