Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I could feel the engine of my car hum as I drove through the city. Griffin gave me his address too, far off in the next city over from where the school was actually located. I heard of students living in houses close to their schools, but never in the city over. The commute must have been horrible for him, about a thirty minute drive every morning.

My car slowed as we turned into a large neighborhood. There was nature everywhere, and by that I mean trees, and acres of land. Far away from civilization might I add.

"Your destination is on your right," spoke my GPS.

"Into the criminal's house we go," I muttered after turning off my car.

My mood for doing the project was at an all time low. I never worked with anyone else before, so I can't imagine how this may turn out. What if he ends up taking credit for my project--I mean our project. I worked alone just to avoid those situations.

What if he makes me do all the work? Griffin Lowe could be a cheater for all that I know. I shouldn't be surprised if that's why everyone thinks he is so smart.

Was I being paranoid?

He did choose me to be his partner for the English Project after all, and I wouldn't have been able to refute myself even if I wanted to.

I mean think about it. What would Griffen have done to me if I left him hanging? Spam me? Stalk me? Murder me?

Getting out of my car, I took my first few steps towards his house. I fidgeted on my legs, exchanging weight to each side as I stood in front of his door. Griffin's house wasn't what I expected at all.

It was a large estate, with those neatly mowed lawns and decorations hanging out and about. The house itself was two stories high, and I even saw some balconies among the various windows along the side and the front. But what really welcomed me were the two large front doors, begging me to enter.

Hesitantly, I raised a hand to knock on it, but I dropped it.

It's not too late to turn back, after all, my vagina is still on fire.

And boy it won't stop. I swear I was going to cause a car accident on the way here. Wear a tampon one time and you would not believe how hard it stung.

Maybe I should just go home then.

I spun on my heel to walk to my car, but froze in my spot when I heard the front door open.

"Clarity?" the deep voice asked. I turned around once again to meet face to face with Griffen. "Get inside."


"Griffin!" I exclaimed. "I was just..." I watched as he furrowed a brow, emerald eyes questioning me as if I was a lunatic. "Nevermind..."

A deep breath escaped me as I walked through the doors of the Lowe Property. Inside the house, I took in the surroundings. There were two words to describe it all.

Luxuriously normal.

The staircase spiraled upward onto the second floor of the house, and the marbled floors were so polished I could see my reflection. Fresh flowers, and some fake ones were stocked in vases. The interior was beautiful, so to speak.


"What was that?"


Griffin sent a blank stare before he simply said, "There are some drinks in the fridge."

"Oh, okay."

"Follow me."

Griffin walked in front of me, leading the way towards the kitchen. As we walked, I eyed his outfit. It was normal and considerably dark for a guy who was so...loaded. The entire time I thought he was a depressed kid at the back of the class. Shame on me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2016 ⏰

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