Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Go choose your partners..." my teachers voice trailed off. I fidgeted in my seat, turning my body at different angles to throw off the feeling of my lower half.

How was I supposed to focus on English with this thing sticking inside of me? Liza promised that the feeling would go away, but it's already been an hour, and I felt no different.

"The project is going to be due in two weeks, but because there's lots of research involved, and I want you guys to put together a visual presentation for the class, I suggest getting started right away," my teacher said again.

I yawned at my teacher's instructions. Every passing year it seems like a teacher's voice get's even more dull and dull. I automatically tune out every time she talks.

It's not my fault though. Once we get even a couple months into the year, we start some kind of presentation. I'll probably be working on it by myself anyway, like always.

Mrs. Simpson sauntered around the classroom, handing every row a stack of papers from the one she held on her arm. These ridiculous packets of papers being passed to me were what I assumed to be the instructions.

I flipped through the pages, silently reading to myself on what she wanted me to complete. If I started tonight, I would for sure be able to submit it in give or take, three days.

The sound of screeching desks were audible as the sea of moving bodies began shuffling around me.

I looked up from my packet confused. What are we supposed to be doing right now? Oh god I hope I don't end up being that one kid who stalls and pretends she knows what she's doing when she really doesn't.

I twisted around in my seat nervously to get a hint of what was going on.

"Clarity!" Mrs. Simpson shouted from across the room. The entire class silenced and I felt their eyes on me. I now officially hate the teacher for making me the center of attention during class.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Why aren't you in your group?" Oh, so that's what we were supposed to be doing.

"I didn't know we were supposed-"

"-Well maybe you should pay attention next time," she reprimanded. "Will someone be kind enough to be partners with Clarity?"


I turned around to see if anyone was willing but the whole class seemed to already have a partner of their own.

"I can work by myself." Like I said I always work alone on projects anyway.

"No this is a group project. You need to have a partner."

"If only she read the directions..." I heard a girl whisper behind me. I turned my head around to get a glimpse of who said it. Dina Williams.

That bitch.

"There's no one else to be partners with ," I said.

"That's impossible. There are thirty four students in this class. Everyone gets a partner."

Mrs. Simpson walked back to her desk to pick up the roster. I rested my cheek against my left hand, already feeling sorry for the soul who is going to be paired up with me.

"Oh. Here we are. I knew I wasn't mistaken. Clarity?" she asked. "You're gonna be with Griffen."

The class suddenly erupted into whispers. I watched as the other students started glancing imbetween me and him with wide eyes.

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