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Dan's POV

Today was my first day going to a new school, and frankly it was going to be hell. I know no matter what school I go to it is hell. At my last school I was that pathetic bullied kid because I'm bi and apperantly thats bad. I dont see the issue with it because in my perspective there is nothing wrong with guys liking other guys. Same goes with girls liking girls. I woke up at 8 am as usual and got dressed. Nothing fancy just black skinny jeans and a T-shirt. I went down stairs to the normal wreck we call a household. My sister making pan-cakes and burning them. My mom smoking on the couch and my dad in the other room passed out drunk. I walked through it onto the porch and began my morning smoke. I started smoking when the schools bullies all started to hate me in particular, they says I was gay and always called me posh. Im not posh though, im articulate, only because im the living embodiment of Whinny the Pooh. Though if things couldnt get worse, I hated our neighbor hood. There were slutty girls jogging down the street with half of there boobs hanging out of there shirt, and wanna be gansters walking around. JUST A LOAD OF FUN! not. I went back in and grabbed my back back and headed for school. The new school was ony a 10 minute walk away so instead of making my mom drive me I just walked. I was 16 but we didnt have the money for me to have a car. But we had money to buy a new bed for my sister every time her and her boyfriend broke her bed with their fucking. But it didnt phase me.

I arrived at school and instantly hated it. The students all looked like dicks, and of course I was able to spot the group of bullies there automaticly. I had English as my first class. And as soon as I walked in it was hell.

Ms. Glecking: " Ok class we have a new student joining us, his name is DAn, but be nice to him he was bullied alot at his old school!"

Great right, she pointed out I used to be a school punching bag, how fun!

Ms. Glecking: "Tell about yourself Dan!"

Dan: " Im Dan, and I like Muse?"

Ms. Glecking: " Isnt that lovely? How about you take a seat next to Philip over there?"

Dan: " ok?"

I sat next to the kid she pointed at who im prosuming is Philip. He was a cute guy, black hair with a slight fringe same as mine, blue eyes that you could probably drown in, his clothing, black skinnies like mine, and a Chemical Romance T-shirt. I only relized i was starring at him when he spoke to me.

Phil: "Hi im Philip but my friends call me Phil, at least they would if i had friends."

Dan: "Im Daniel, but my friends used to call me Dan, at least family did I dont actually have friends."

Phil: " Why not, you seem nice?"

Dan: " Oh, um i'd rather not say why. But shouldnt we be paying attention to the teacher?"

Phil: " No, most of the time she isnt teaching, just talking about her no good boyfriend."

Dan: " Well then how does our class learn for the test taking periods?"

Phil: " She gives us all the answers but at least 3 wrong ones so it looks real!"

Dan: " I love this teacher!"

Phil: "We all do!"

Dan: " Hey I am new and all, would you wanna hang out an give me a school tour?"

Phil: " You, you wouldnt wanna hang out with me the school hates me and they'll hate you if your friends with me."

Dan: " I really dont care, you seem nice and I'd enjoy being friends with you. And trust me I know the situation I just wish I would've had someone be my friend!"

Phil: " ok, i'd love to!"

Are conversation was then terminated by the teacher. This boy seemed really nice..... and hot. No Dan, you cant like him, you cant! He isnt gay. Is he. Is that why he is bullied, actually I dont wanna ask because i really want him to be my friend. He seemed really stupendous and i do need friends and before we new it it was luch and we were at a table talking.

Phil: "I guess you could ware pants as a shirt if you really had to."

Dan: " OK, well thats been settled!"

Phil: " Its kinda kool how much we have in common!"

Dan: "Yea it really is!"

Phil: " So Dan I wanted to ask you, do you smoke? Because you smelled like smoke when you came into class today!"

Dan: Yea, I do I started because of the stress at my old school."

Phil: " Hey I wont judge I smoke to but I hide it better!"

Dan: " OK!"

Phil: "So school is almost out, do you wanna go to mine for a while and play Sonic?"

Dan: " Why Sonic?"

Phil: " Because its the best gme of all time!"

Dan: " Ok then, sounds fun!"

The day kinda just went on and honestly faster than I wanted it to but, it was still a pleasurable day. Me and Phil got along really great, and had alot in common, it was actually pretty scary how well we got along. He smokes, i smoke, he loves Buffy, I like it, he loves Muse, i love muse, he loved video games, i love video, and so much more. Then the clock struck 3 and we headed for his.

Phil: " Im really glad you moved to our neighborhood, its pretty kool we live like 3 houses apart"

Dan: "Yea me to, honestly my meeting you is probably the best thing thats happened to me since we moved her!"

We arrived at his after a while as soon as we got in no one appeared home so he lit up a smoke. He offered me one in which I accepted and then we carried on to play Sonic. He kept repeatidly kicking my ass at it. But I didnt mind because when he won he smiles and he had the best smile possible. He also smells really good. Like really sweet. Me i smell like smoke and Malteasers. Not a pleasent scent.

Phil: " How are you failing so bad at this dude?!"

Dan: " You get more practice than me!"

i playfully shoved him

Phil: "Well you suck, im better than you and im smoking!"

Dan: " Well im smoking to I just suck!"

Phil: " Our conversations are too entertaining!"

Dan: " Probably!"

Phil: " Yea, any way what did you wanna do now?"

I honestly wanted to kiss him and live him and as him out but he was straight, but then my brain made my mouth say something, I didnt want to say.

Dan: " Are you gay?"

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