Phone calls

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Phils POV

No one was home so it was all OK when Dan decided to drop by. He came in and of course decided to smoke, as it was his form of stress relief. He sat on the couch and turned on the TV only to watch Adventure Time as he was pretty much 5 years old in the brain. I sat down net to him and thats when this happened.....

Dan: Shit, this isnt working out, i need SOME other form of stress relief!

Phil: Babe, I wish I could help out!

Dan: How'd your parents take it?

Phil: They werent home so the news didnt get to them. I deleted the voicemail about it.

Dan: Shit man, so when are Chris and Peej coming to stay?

Phil: In like an hour.

Dan: Shit, sounds good......

Phil: What do you mean by that?

Dan: I'll tell you later baby!

We started talking for a while and talking led to kissing. We kissed for a while my parents werent home so it didnt make much of a difference that we were in the dead set middle of my living room on the couch laying on top of each other tongue kissing. He playfully bit my bottom lip, of course he tasted like smoke but i didnt really care concidering he was the complete and utter love of my life.

He pulled away and started to pant for breath and thats when my eyed looked ever so slightly down. I saw a bulge in his jeans. Let me explain, we werent one to have sex, if the moment was REALLY heated we'd fuck, usually he topped. But most of the time we just gave blowjobs, and im honestly ever so content with that.

Thats when he spoke up...

Dan: Phil?

Phil: Yea baby?

Dan: Can, you-can you give me a- ummmmmm, b-bl-blowjob?

This was odd, he never just asked, it usually happened in the moment.

Phil: Wh-why?

Dan: Like i said i need some stress relief, and ummmm, i am stressed?

Phil: O-ok..........

And with that i bent into his lap and pulled him out. I licked the shaft and began my journey. After about 2 minutes of this Dans phone rang. I nodded saying its ok to answer his phone. He answered....

Dan: Oh hey MUM!

I continued to blow him knowing his mom was on the other line, just to piss her off.

Mum: Daniel, where are you?

Dan: *small moan* A-at Phils.

Mum: Your boyfriends?!

Dan: Ye-yes....

I continued going as he moaned to his mum very vegue sentences.

Mum: What is with the moaning Daniel!

Dan: Umm, im-im not moaning!

Mum: Yes you are! Are you and Philip doing something?!

Dan: No-no!

I continued he probably hadnt cum yet since his mum was just on the other line.

Mum: Yes you two are!

He then came from both pleasure and being frightened he then moaned out my name loudly as he did..... with his mother still on the phone.


Dan: You know what?!

Mum: What?

Dan: You called when i was getting a blowjob you bitch!!!!!!


Dan: Why? Because my BOYFRIEND was sucking my DICK while i was talking to YOU?!

Mum: Yes! Oh gross!

Dan: You bitch!

He hung up i zipped and buttoned his jeans and kissed him right as the door bell rang.


So short but a good chapter huh?

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