Suga: First last kiss

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Part three. Longer  & background song needed.

"If I were you I won't named it memory. It was in the past. Please..Let just forget it." I plead as I rested my head on his shoulder.

He grasp both of my hands.

"I will forget about it..When you tell me the truth." he whispered. I grunted under my breath.

My heart felt like it was stabbed when he just doesn't trust me. No matter how much  time I told him. I walked away from him and reached for my towel.

He snatched my arm harshly.

"Tell me the truth."

He was talking through his greeted teeth. I shrieked a bit when his hand grabbing my arm harder.

" It was the f*cking  truth! For god sake! there's no more !" I finally shouted at him. I pulled my arm out of his reach. I stared straight in his eyes. Just hoping he would listened.

"don't lie to me."

"i'm not."

"You did."

"I could never lie to you! Just please! stop bickering about this! It's stupid! and I'm getting annoyed at this early in the morning! Seriously, what's wrong with you?!"

I mean he was fine yesterday.. Did he got bitten or something? He just suddenly be like this at the f*cking morning!

" You are the one that's annoying! I already sick with all of your excuses ! sometimes I just think  why the f*ck was I still with you?!  why do I still want to be a boyfriend of a such bitch! you only care of yourself! You doesn't take a second to understand me! how busy I am and how tired I am! you even took advantage to be with other guy?! Goddamit! You're bull$h*t!"

Every curses and diss just freely rolled by his mouth..Why am I still f*cking here?

I Shut closed my eyes and accept it in. I held in tears. I opened my eyes slowly and smile at him.

But, what could I do?..A tears escaped my eyes.

One after another. It just happily rolling down my eyes while he stares at me . I don't know why the hell I was laughing . He wipes it away harshly.

"Don't fricking cry in front of me." He command.

his voice is none of comforting. It's killing me more and I cry more.

His hand freely swung and slapped my face.

"I TOLD YOU TO NOT CRY IN FRONT OF ME!"  He shouted at me. I put my hand on my burning  cheek. A blood slowly oozed down. I glared at him With tears still left in my eyes.


I walked out the room and punched the door as I walked out.

Am I a doll?


I was on the couch . Lying down with a pillow on my face. I'm not sleeping. Just covering my tears and think of a way.

Why do I still fight for this shit?!

Ask yourself. Idiot.

I sat up and then it hit me.

That I'm probably nothing to him.

I took my phone to dial my mom's number to let it all out at my beloved mom. Well, she's always there to listened about my problems. When I was rejected. When I failed on getting in the entertainment. when he said I cheated.

Then, my phone ring. I take the call and put the phone near my ear . It's my sister...Crying?

"unnie? why are you crying? what's wrong?" I asked hurriedly. I could heard many other crying voices in the background. What could've happened?

After a long silence . She answered.

"Eomma..S-she's dead. she g-got hit by a car. Y/n-ah..She left us.." she continued crying.

As for me, I was frozen. I just talked to her yesterday and she was ...Dead? This is hilarious! I damn need her right now and she was not here anymore?! why now?! goddamit! Is this a joke?!

I started crying again when I remembered all the advices she gave to me. Her voices still running through my mind.

I cursed and shouted like an insane person then he came down.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Instead of worried about me, he was shouting at me.

"MY MOM IS DEAD SO SHUT THE FXCK UP!! " I was crying again till my chest hurt as f*ck.

He walked to me and sat next to me, pulling me into a hug. I pushed him away and hide my crying eyes.

"you just making thing worse..Come here-"

"NO. You are the one that make things worse! Leave me alone! I don't need you! I was annoying, remember?!" I cut him. Still covering my face with my arms.

" Let stop talking about it for a while-"

"you started it first! Just break up with me if you think I can't understand you! I already do everything to be with you! I followed your steps to be a singer even though its not even my dream but I know how much you wanted it! I do everything to my face so at least you would notice me! It took three years for you to even finally realizes that I was existed and have a huge crush over you! Do you still think I would just cheated ?!?!"

I was looking at his face even though the tears doesn't dried yet.

"what do you mean three years? we met at the entertainment last year ,right ?"

I scoffed.

"I was in the same class as you! seriously, you don't even see me?! I know I am fat and ugly back then but wow! you don't even saw me?!"

I was beyond shock.

"no. No I don't."


"get out. Now!"

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