Jungkook: The opposite

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I've had enough of my life. I was a girl that were wanted by many. But, I'm only waiting for one. All the boys doesn't make me felt like they were the right one. But, which one is my Mr. Right?


"fancy a coffee, miss y/n?" Jimin asked. I scoffed.

"we were already at a coffee shop! why bother asking? " I scolded. This guy is my..I don't know friends maybe.

"okay..Okay..Sorry. " I just rolled my eyes as I sat down. He sat across me. A few girls passed our table and squealed like children.

I saw jimin smiling at the girls. I scoffed.

"what's with the smile?" I asked feeling annoyed.

"why? jealous?" he shifted his eyebrows flirtatious ways. I rolled my eyes but smiled this time.

This boy is cute but he's not my type.

"In hell I would. Ugh! Where's the f*cking waiter?! " I groaned loudly. I crossed my arms over my chest and my legs like a diva I am.

Then, a boy came running to our table. He looked younger than the other workers. I glared at him.

"I'm really sorry Sir. " he bowed at Jimin. Jimin just wave him off. the boy then just stares at me awkwardly.

"Are you just going to stand there not apologizing like I was a statue of liberty?" I asked. Sounding as cold as I could.

"yes..I mean..No..Urh..maybe?" The boy answered stupidly.

"calm y/n-ah..He just late a few minutes. Are you a new workers here?" Jimin starting a conversation.

"yes, I am. Could I take your orders now?" he asked.

I turned my glares to Jimin as he nodded at the boy.

He gotta be kidding me!

The boy took the order. I choose to not order anything. I took out my phone and check out my Instagram feeds . I felt Jimin staring.

"y/n..No phone on a date." jimin said. I looked up at him.

"who the f*ck said we were dating?" I asked bluntly. I put my phone back in my purse.

"I did. " he said proudly. Crossing his arms and lean back on the chair like he was a boss.

I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. I don't care." I said and just sit back.

I stares across the cafe. Looking at all the girls. This is a fancy cafe where not one lower class dare to step in Cause I don't like it.

How dare they look at me like that?!

All the girls in some cheap dress were glaring at me like they were better than me. Jimin saw my reaction changing .

"what's wrong with the glare? saw something you hate?" he asked. looking at me full interest.

"b*tch Are all around us." i said quiet loudly. Some of them did heard and glared at me. I just smirked.

Just to let them know, I own this place.

I stood up and pulled my hoodie nicely. I'm bored and that's not good. I walked to the nearest table and stared down at the group of girls. Jimin was standing behind me, looking forward to what I was about to do.

You'll be amused!

"you red hair and fake eyelashes girls. I have those dress but the original one so Please get out ." I said. Pointing at the two out of the three. They just stares at me in disbelief.

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