Let the Murder Games Begin!!!!!

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Nico's P.O.V:

"So...Can I leave in all my pink glory, please?" Thalia asked. I shook my head.

"Nope. You need to hand out a dare first."

She sighed, but then, her eyes lit up.

"Oh gods, what is she thinking now?"

Jason shrugged "Probably something that's gonna result in our deaths."

"The boys have to kiss the prettiest person in the room... THAT ISN'T THEIR GIRLFRIEND!"

Insert evil flash and crack of lightning, and she disappeared.

"Yup, knew it."


Gracie whacked me on the back. "Because you're the Ghost King, Son of Death, like your opposite nature, and there's probably some more cliche things that I missed out. Now go and kiss someone then get stabbed!"

"Thanks for the support."

"You're welcome."

Scanning the room, my eyes landed on a someone lounging on a beanbag, snoozing. I went up to her, and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. She shot up, whacking me in the face.


"Why me?"

"Becau- Wait, you weren't asleep?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Four cans of Diet Coke can keep you awake real good. Now why did you choose me, besides my obvious charm?"

I rolled my eyes. "Well, one, your single. Two, you aren't actually that bad looking, and three, you don't have a brother who will drown you if I came close."

"Hear, hear." Rebecca called, a slice of water flinging over her head. Seems like Jason and Percy were arguing over who's girl was prettiest and awesomest... again. Frank was rubbing his arm from where Jasmine had punched him, and Percy was probably going to have a say in that.

And naturally, Leo was kissing a mirror. He was an idiot.

-Two Minutes Later-

"Ok, so Percy and Jason knocked each other out..." Annabeth stated, looking over at the two boys on the bunk beds. Piper face-palmed.

"Honestly, those two are the biggest idiots-"

"Sorry to burst your bubble, Pipes, but Leo is. He kissed that mirror for a really long time..."

We all looked at Leo, who shrugged. "I'm the prettiest person in the universe! How could I resist it?"

Piper nodded. "Yeah, Repair Boy's a doofus."


"Well, we need a dare, so you three start chatting."

I turned to the two, who shrugged. After a few seconds of awkward silence, Leo piped up. "We could force them to start a tap dancing club?" I stared at him. 

"Ok, no idea where that came from..."

I shook my head at the floor, and thats when I noticed...

We were all wearing white shoes...

"Got it!"


Piper's P.O.V:

"So... we're just wearing white vans?"


"And you're leaving the room."


I had no idea where this was going.

Hazel furrowed her brow. "I'm so confused. There aren't cars on our feet!"

Gracie smiled. "Hazel, you're so naive, it's brilliant."

"Umm... Thanks?"

Leo grinned, and moonwalked out of the room, like the dork he is. Jasmine and Leo reflect each other so well.

"Is it bad that I'm scared?"

"Nope." I said to Abby, wiggling in my new bleached out kicks. 

"Is that a... trolley?"

"Oh my gods."

Leo, Nico, and Frank, all in caps and sunglasses, wheeled by us, Leo holding a video camera up.

And then he said it. In an absolutely perfect tone-

"Damn Daniels!"

I couldn't help it. I burst into laughter, and I definitely wasn't the only one. The boys turned around, and came back.

"Daaaaaaaamn Daniels!"

Hazel was giggling lightly, but still looked confused. Meanwhile, the rest of us probably sounded like dying seals. One last time, they rolled past, the three boys trying to contain their laughter.

"Daaaaamn Daniels, back at it again with the white Vans!!!"

Everyone then fell into fits of giggles, and we were obviously loud, because we heard someone behind us say, "Huh... What..."

We turned, Jason and Percy slowly rising. We were all silent...

"Damn Daniel."

Goddammit Leo.

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