❤Baby love❤

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Aphmua: I looked at the two one had brown hair who was Vylad and another who's name was Travis had white hair. The baby's all looked at them then ran away quickly. "Ok so where did they go?" I asked. We were looking around as I went up stairs I saw Laurence handing Katelyn a toy...where'd he get it from ? "Aawww" I cooed Katelyn looked at it be for shoving it in Laurence's face then running off. "Aww how mean" I said I turned around and saw Garroth staring at me. "Aphmua!" He yelled smiling. He bowed but fell down "You didn't have to bow" I said laughing. "My father said when I see a pretty girl to always be polite and bow" said Garroth getting up. Garroth thinks I'm pretty....Omg Garroth has a crush on me... He ran off to go play with the others. I walked down stairs and saw Aaron Zane Dante Nicole and Katelyn coloring. "I brought paper and crayons just in case they got bored" said Vylad I nodded as I watched them draw. Dante finished drawing what looked like a type of flower with messy words saying 'To Nicole' Dante handed his drawing over to Nicole as she smiled in delight. Aaron and Zane finished drawing not to long after and it was flowers too but it was for me, they handed it to me with no expression. Omg that is too cute! I gracefully took their drawings and put it on the fridge.
***Time skip cuz I'm awesome***
Everyone fell asleep in the living room and Reese,Vylad,Travis, and me all sat in the kitchen exhausted. After the drawings it was just plain crazy! First Kaweii~chan wouldn't let go of Reese, Dante and Laurence went missing for about an hour, Second Garroth pushed Zane into the pool and we all panicked which distracted us allowing Katelyn and Cadenza still steal a bunch of cookies I've made and then have a sugar rush. Zane had no clothes we could give him so he was cold and wet and ended up getting a bit sick. Third...umm oh yeah WE GOT LOCKED OUTSIDE BY GARROTH LAURENCE AND DANTE. We did of course got inside bit the place was trashed. we had them lay down to watch cartoons of pony's (which Zane fell in love with) and we started to clean up. Let me tell you something.... If I thought baby's couldn't get food stuck to the ceiling or have the toilet full of clothes...then I believe it now.
"Did they all fall asleep" asked Travis "I think...maybe JTS just Zane watching episode... 20 now? "27" corrected Vylad. A big light appeared in the living room and everyone changes to normal. "Oh thank Irean (tell me if its wrong!) Finally their back to being normal" I said. They all woke up confused of what was happening. "Why is my clothes wet" asked Zane "Why does my stomach hurt" said Katelyn and Cadenza "Why is...REESE~SENPIA IN OUR HOME?!!?!" squealed Kaweii~chan. We a looked at one another "Well...its sort of a long story...." said Travis. Travis looked at Katelyn then ran to her. "Heeey there babay!! the name is Travis and yours is the cutest girl I've ever seen~" said Travis. "Flattering aren't you?" said Katelyn turning her back to him. "Just like your butt gir~~...." said Travis admiring her body. Katelyn then turned around and punched Travis in the gut. that's what you get for looking and talking about mg butt" yelled Katelyn. Everyone just broke out laughing. I got up to go get Zane a towel since he was still wet. "Hey Aphmua can I ask you what happened after Zane and Cadenza fought over the potion?" asked Aaron. "Oh..that's a long story..." I said looking passed his head and to the drawing he drew. "A very looking story" I repeated

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