Big mistake

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Oohhh~ Big mistake Is perfect for this chapter name and you will find out why! ~~Enjoy **Fiction**

Aphmau: We got our photo's and started to make our way back to our houses. "Aphmau...Can you please! Please tell me what hybrid you are?" asked Laurence. We were passing the park.
     "Follow me" I said walking into the park. We went and hid right under the bridge on land of course. "Do you really want to know?" I asked. "More than anything else" He answered.
      "Just don't freak out" I said. I took a deep breathe and revealed my-
(I'm such a troll!)
Zane: I was at home watching a pony show I got into since that baby incident. A knock came from my door. I rolled my eyes who could that be?!
     I got up and answered. "Hello?" I said. "ZUZU! Its been a while" said my mom. "Oh no...." I mumbled. "Hi Zane" said Garroth from behind my mom. "Hey Zane!" said Vylad. ".....Hi Mom, hi Garroth and Vylad" I said gritting my teeth. "Oh~ look at you my Zuzu is so big! I think I'm going to cry" said my mom hugging me. "Mom I need air in order to breathe" I said closing air from her tight hug.
     "Can I have a reason why everyone is here!" I said. "Well....mummy wants to take us out for dinner, then she had the whole day planned out for us" explained Garroth. "Weelll You see I actually have work tomorrow Sooo I think I might have to miss" I said trying to hide my smile.
      "Mom called your job and told then you have a family emergency, she called the school and told the theater club I have a family emergency and Garroth had nothing so yeah" said Vylad. "MOM" I yelled. "Well It was a family emergency! I need to spend as much time with my boys as possible! Got to be cool yo!" said my mom. "Did she really just use cool and yo" I said putting my face in my hands. "Yes" answered Garroth and Vylad. "Now Off to dinner I already made reservations!" said mom pulling us all out my house.

Aphmau: Laurence and I were right outside my house when we saw Garroth,Vylad,and Zane get pulled out of Zane's house by...."Ziana?" I said.
    "Oh yeah, Their mom was suppose to come and visit. I totally forgot" said Laurence smiling. "Well I'll just let them be them and talk in the morning see you Laurence" I said. I stopped before entering and kissed him on the cheek. "Take care. And watch where your going before you cross the road" I teased.

Laurence: She kissed me...She kissed me. Aphmau Kissed me! I had the most biggest grin on my face as I walked across the street. I walked up to the door opening it. I saw Dante and Travis on the couch. (almost put bed XD ) "Hey Laurence how was your movie with Aphmau?" asked Dante. "Its was amazing!" I said heading to my room.

Dante: Laurence had the biggest grin ever. He walked into his room as I just stared after him. He showed no pain or anything. "Ok something is up with Laurence" I said getting up.
     "How can you tell?" Travis asked. "Are you seriously that blind not to tell?" I asked walking up to Laurence's bed room door. I knocked on the door no answer. "Laurence!" I called. "Hold on!" said Laurence.
     The door opened with Laurence in a wheel chair. "You knocked?" He said wheeling back to his desk. "Um yes mainly because your acting weird and I want to know why" I said. "....No I'm not" was all he said. He kept messing with a picture thing you get from a photo booth.
     "Let me the pictures" I said reaching out to grab it. "No! Stop!" He said pushing me away. I tried to grab it again. "Dante stop its nothing! Its only pictures of me and Aphmua that's it!" Laurence said keeping the picture away from me. We fought over the picture until Laurence froze in pain and I snagged it from him. "YOU KISSED APHMUA?!" I yelled.
        I was staring at the bottom picture. "Laurence did what?!" said Travis coming in. "Its nothing! Ok....Just don't tell Garroth" said Laurence.
        Laurence took the picture back putting it away. "That's why you were smiling so big! Because Aphmau kissed you" I said laughing. "Shut up Dante. "Actually....where is Garroth? I haven't seen him since he answered the door for Vylad" said Travis. "Oh I saw him with his mom, Zane, and Vylad" said Laurence. "I'm just going to bed..." I said walking to my room.

Aphmau: I was in my room texting Aaron when I noticed someone standing over my shoulder. "Kawaii~Chan.... What are you doing?" I asked. "Kawaii~Chan wanted to know if Aphmau~Chan can help Kawaii~Chan talk to Reese~senpai since Kawaii~Chan is to scared too" said Kawaii~Chan. "I will just lets do it tomorrow" I said. "Thanks Aphmau~chan!" said Kawaii~Chan hugging me. She hugged me where I accidentally pressed buttons on my phone.
      Kawaii~Chan left and when I looked back at my phone I realized I accidentally texted Gene (yes I have Gene number) saying the worst thing possible...

AphmauI want be shadow night

I stared at my phone. Is this even possible. (it is trust me...) I got a text from Gene.

Gene: Wow Flames....If you say so...I guess you can be a shadow knight....I have to go, night Shadow knight!

I just stared at the text. This has to be a dream. I slapped myself across the face.
"OW!" I yelled. Yep not a dream. "You ok Aphmau!" yelled Katelyn. "I'm fine!" 'Not fine...'

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