Kawaii~Chan's Senpai

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We can all tell what's going to happen in this chapter can't we guys? Yep.... I need friends other than my fictional character's....Reason why I'm called Fiction_lover Anyways ~~Enjoy **Fiction**

Aphmau: I turned off my alarm and got up for school. "ugh After school is work..." I said frowning. I got up and got dressed. I opened the door and walked out and down stairs.
"Good morning Aphmau" yawned Katelyn drinking coffee. "Good morning to you too!" I said grabbing a banana. "Kawaii~Chan is already at school for the cooking club. They are making breakfast" said Katelyn. "Alright...Ready to go?" I said finishing my banana.
"Yeah let's go" Katelyn said grabbing her bag and walking to the door. We were walking to school and I saw Gene, Neix, and Sasha. I grabbed Katelyn wrist lowered my head and quickly walked by. I kept the pace up until we got to school.
"Everything alright Aphmau?" Katelyn asked. "Yeah yeah....Just wanted to get here faster" I said. We walked inside and sat in the cafeteria. "Hey Aphmau!" said Laurence. I smiled and waved. My phone buzzed getting a text from a random number.

?????: Heeeyyyy Aphmau

Me: Hi?

????: Its Travis, remember you gave me your number?

me: Oh yeah! I totally forgot sorry.

Travis: Its ok anyways how are you!

Me: I'm at school where are you?

Travis: In the gym for basketball with Garroth and Dante. Laurence should be in the cafeteria.

Me: He is I just said hi before you texted. wait...aren't you suppose to be practicing?

Travis: Well ...Yes and No. We have a break. Its about 8 now? We have been practicing since 6:30

Me: Wow!

Travis: Yeah...I have to go stay away from danger!

me: Biy

I looked up and saw Gene Sasha and Neix just in time to sit next to me. "Hey Flames! You know you were walking pretty fast when you pasted us...everything ok?" asked Gene.

"....Gene about the text message I sent you..." I started. "You didn't mean it did you?" he asked as if he already knew.

"....yes" I said "Well its to late now! Or I'll have to black mail you" said Gene leaning back in his chair.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned. "Well you see Laurence must really like you if he kissed you" Gene said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. "Come on. "You didn't actually think we wouldn't make sure our Flames wasn't being good did you? We saw your photo of you kissing Laurence. Its no suprize but if this were to get around to people....like Katelyn, Travis, Garroth, Dante,....maybe even Zane" said Gene.
"What? Y-you don't have the picture" I stuttered. He pulled out his phone went thru stuff then showed me a picture if Laurence and I kissing.
"You wouldn't!" I said getting angry. "Oh I would.... As long as you stay a Shadow Knight with us, I wont use is against you...Just agree to that and we have a deal" Gene reached his hand out.
"No....I know you guys aren't bad. I know y'all wouldn't do this" I said standing up. "Flames....I can either hide this photo from everyone, show everyone the text you sent me, or you can become a Shadow Knight" said Gene looking at me. "......Fine" I said. We shook hands as he smirked. "Its nice to have another girl around for a chance" said Sasha.
"I'm still very upset" I mumbled crossing my arms. "The one reason why we call you Flames" said Gene.
"Aphmau. Everything ok over here?" asked Katelyn coming to me. "Wait?.....Where were you?!" I asked. "Restroom. Now is there butt I have to kick or what?" said Katelyn cracking here knuckles. "Ok ok....Don't have get feisty. We will leave....See around Flames" said Gene getting up with his friends. They walked away "Did he call you Flames?" asked Katelyn. ".....I guess I'm confused" I lied.
We sat down and started talking until Kawaii~Chan came over. "APHMAU~CHAN! REESE~SENPAI IS IN THE SAME CLUB AS KAWAII~CHAN!" screamed Kawaii~Chan. "Kawaii~Chan not in my ear!" I said.
"Aphmau~Chan please come with Kawaii~Chan to talk to Reese~senpai" She begged "I will Kawaii~Chan let's go" I said getting up. "Aaahhh Yay thank you Aphmau~Chan" said Kawaii~Chan.
Wesurprise and walked up to the line. Reese was getting ready to serve breakfast, he looked up at us. "Oh hello Kawaii~Chan. Hello...Aphmau isn't it? Its nice to see you two lovely lady's here. What can I do for you?" said Reese in one of the most calmest way.
"D-did Reese~senpai just c-call Kawaii~Chan c-cute?" said Kawaii~Chan. "Oh yes um Reese my friend Kawaii~Chan wanted to know if you would like to come over and..." I started. "And make sweets!" said Kawaii~Chan.
"Sweets? I love sweets I would love to come over and make sweets with you Kawaii~Chan let's say about...an hour after school?" Reese said. "That's perfect!" said Kawaii~Chan. "Ok see you after school, but here is breakfast with extra banana bread. I made it myself and its for you two" said Reese handing us a tray of food.
"Thanks Reese!" I said dragging Kawaii~Chan away. "Isn't Reese~senpai dreamy!" said Kawaii~Chan. "Alright calm down girl. Let's eat then wait for our other friends" I said sitting down.

IM SO LATE ON THIS CHAPTER!! Omg I'm like a day behind. I noticed I post a chapter every two days but today was three! Ahhh I'm so sorry but hey in my defense.... I have school XD Anyways

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