School clubs

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Yoyoyoyi wassup my fiction readers!! Y'all are so lucky to have a chapter this long!! Hope y'all ~~Enjoy **Fiction**

Aphmau: I woke up the next day and got ready for school. I got on my usual clothes always pink and purple! I made my way down stairs where Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan were talking. "Hey Aphmau ready for school?" Katelyn asked. "Yes I am and you two are?" I asked. "Kawaii~Chan is always ready for school!!" said Kawaii~Chan. We locked up then left the house.
     "How was your new job?" asked Katelyn. "It was actually really fun, busy but fun" I answered. "Heeeeyyy Katelyn!!!" said Travis putting his arm around Katelyn. "What do you want Travis..." sighed Katelyn annoyed. "I wanted to see how my favorite girl was doing" said Travis.
     While they got in a argument I saw Aaron in front of us. "Go talk to him Aphmau~chan" said Kawaii~Chan nudging me. I looked at her then Aaron. "Nah...its ok Kawaii~Chan" I said looking at her. We all continued to talk and walk after Katelyn won the argument between her and Travis (by punching him in the nose...)
      "Sooo Aphmau I don't know what kind of hybrid you are you want to tell...." said Katelyn. "Nope!" I said. Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan got upset by that. I still haven't told anyone but honestly I think my kind to say is rare. (hint hint*)
      "Well I can tell Kawaii~Chan is part cat, Katelyn your...part blaze and I'm not sure of Dante,Travis,Laurence, Garroth, and Zane" I said. "So you know what hybrid Aaron is?" asked Katelyn. "Yeah Ocelot, guess he just hides it" I answered. We got to school and sat down in the cafeteria waiting for the bell to dismiss us to first period.
     "Hey Aphmau you excited for tomorrow?" asked Laurence. For a second I had to think then I remembered. "Oh yeah! We are going to go see Attack on Titan I totally forgot" I said. "Its a good thing I reminded you then huh? well don't worry I never forget unless its Garroth telling me to do my work" said Laurence.
     I started to laugh and I saw from the corner of my eye Dante pointing at me. Dante was talking to a boy with two other people on each side of him. "Oh that's Dante brother Gene. If I were you stay away from them as far away as possible, Gene and his gang are big trouble makers" said Laurence catching on to who I was looking at.
      I looked around for Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan noticing they were gone, I saw Kawaii~Chan with a girl who has pink purplish hair, and Katelyn with Nicole. "I'm going to go ahead and head back with Garroth and Travis see you later" said Laurence.
      He got up and left leaving me alone. I sat there alone for a while until Gene and his gang sat around me. Gene in front and the two beside me. "Hi my name is Gene and this is Sasha and Neix. (Sorry if its wrong!)"......I'm I don't want to talk right now" I said.
        "Nice to meet you 'I don't want to talk right now' but I was wondering if you wanted to join us when we go check out the clubs" asked Gene smiling. I stared at him but I just couldn't say no, they aren't that bad...I guess.
      ".....Sure...I'm Aphmau" I said looking away. "Hmmm...To complicated what do you guys think" said Gene looking at Neix and Sasha. "How about we call her Flames for her fire hot attitude" suggested Sasha. "I'm right here and for the record I don't want to be called Flames!" I spat.
      They all just smirked liking my temper. "Yep Flames for sure" Gene said. I growled under my breathe and said "So I'm guessing y'all ain't to normal" "We're Shadow Knights one of the most dangerous people of all times" said Neix. "Y'all don't look to dangerous just deliquescent's" I said
      I learned....Not to mess with Neix from that moment on. He stood up so quickly his chair flew back, He grabbed me by my shoulders and pulls me up to his face only five inches away. "HOW DARE YOU DON'T CALL US DANGEROUS?!! IF YOU WANT DANGER ILL SHOW YOU DANGER" yelled Neix.
      I stood stared at Neix until some one pulled Neix off of me. "Neix leave Aphmau alone or else" warned Zane. "Or else what Zane!" said Neix. "Or else I'll fight you like last time this happened" said Zane. Neix looked at me then Zane then stormed out the school. "You ok..." asked Zane looking at me. "Uh...Yeah I'm good th-thanks for saving me. "No worries...The bell is about to ring. After First period we are able to go to the clubs...I'll see you in class hopefully" said Zane walking off just as the bell rang. "See you at the clubs...Flames" said Gene getting up and heading towards Neix direction.
       "OMG APHMAU~CHAN ARE YOU OK?!" yelled Kawaii~Chan hugging me. Katelyn, Nicole, Garroth, Laurence, Travis, Dante, and Aaron all came up to me.
      "I'm fine...just shouldn't have gotten him upset" I said. "Its not your fault Aphmau those shadow knights are just bad people" said Garroth. "Besides you had Zane to help you out" said Travis. "Yeah...He was there for me and I'm glad he was" I said smiling. Wait! Do you I have feelings for Zane?
     "Well let's all head to first period ok?" said Nicole. "Yeah we don't want to be late" said Travis. We all left to class and I went inside my math class with Kawaii~Chan and Laurence. "Ok class! Today we will be going to the gym for clubs that will be going on, and that means you will only miss your 2,3,4,and 5 period classes!" said my teacher Hail.
      "Hey Aphmau who do you have for those period's?" asked Laurence. "I have Art,Reading,Bio,Gym, and Music. Then afterwards in my 6,7,and 8th I'll have Science, Tech and Social Studies" I said. (Now you what classes she has and so do I so if I do this again or I forgot for a future chapter Its here!) "I'm only missing Art,Tech,Science,Bio,Gym and Social Studies" said Laurence.
       "Ok class in about twenty minutes the bell will ring and then we will head to the gym. and I expect every single one of you to have joined a club" said Mrs.Hail We all nodded and went to talking. "Hey I've been wanting to ask...What did Gene and his friends tell you? Anything bad" said Laurence.
     ".....No just came by and I was ignoring them..." I answered. "How did you get Neix mad?" asked Laurence. "Like I said I shouldn't have gotten him upset its in the past right about now" I said. I looked away from Laurence who must have felt hurt by what I said.
      I don't understand why I can't tell Laurence the truth...Maybe because I agreed to join them on looking at the clubs. We all left class and went straight to the gym, I kept feeling funny mainly because of being near Gene and his group, especially Neix. "Hey you coming?" asked Laurence. I looked at him realizing I was standing just outside the gym.
       "Umm...Y-yeah...Just give me a second" I said. "Ok" said Laurence. I turned around and ran right into someone. "Sorry!" I said. "Its ok Flames" said Gene. "Yip!" I said jumping back. Neix was on one side of Gene and Sasha on the other.
     "You ready?" He asked walking inside. Neix followed leaving there with Sasha. "We aren't as bad as some say...I mean that Zane kid bad is he? No...So how are we different" said Sasha. "You guys aren't....Just missed judged, like Zane was. That doesn't mean y'all can try to trick me to doing something but....y'all can be pretty cool to hang around....I'm sorry about before but I still don't like being called Flames" I said.
       "I can see why Gene wants you" said Sasha. "Come on...I want to go see if I can join the volleyball team" She pulled inside taking me to all kinds of clubs. "I want to join that club!" pointed out Neix, I looked seeing he wanted to join the martial arts club. "Well go! I mean its actually a really good club for you" I said.
     He looked at me then walked over to it. "I knew you would be the one to convince Neix to join. He has been wanting to join since forever" said Gene walking up to me. "Any clubs you seen so far?" I asked. "Not really....Nothing catches my eye" He said.
      "Well don't try to look for something you think will be fun but something your good at....Like the debate club! I know for a fact you have to be pretty good at debating" I said showing him the club.
     "Him...I just might....Go look for a club yourself!" said Gene walking off. "Now to the art club!!!" I said running to it.

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