Untitled - Chapter One

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Cold. Still. Emotionless.


That was Ivy, a person who showed nothing. She was a secret on her own, with countless other secrets within her corridors that only the most perceptive of people could reveal.

 She was a secret on her own, with countless other secrets within her corridors that only the most perceptive of people could reveal

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Twisted. Broken. Backwards.


That was Alex, a person who showed everything, but nothing she showed was real. She was a war, soldiers never going to rest, even in the most simple of times. No one could tell what move she would make next.

 No one could tell what move she would make next

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Kind. Sympathetic. Giving.


That was Sadie, a person so easily taken advantage of, and yet the hardest gem to break. She gave her everything away, but only to those who truly deserved it. And to those who didn't, she gave nothing.

The three were so strange on their own, and yet had edges carved in a way that they fit together like a puzzle

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The three were so strange on their own, and yet had edges carved in a way that they fit together like a puzzle. They were one. And yet they were a million. They shattered so easily, and yet they were stronger than everyone they ever came across. Was it that they only came across the weak? Or was it that they were simply misleading in their weakness? Like a bulletproof glass, looking fragile, but surviving anything? I do not know myself, for I am merely the narrator. An omnipotent being who sees all, but nothing.

The story I am about to tell you.. You can decide. If they were bulletproof glass, or simply outstandingly lucky. But I will tell you one thing- pay attention, because nothing is as it seems.

It all started on August ninth, on a particularly humid autumn day. That was where they met. That was where it all began.

Bulletproof Glass - The Story of Three Peculiar GirlsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant