Untitled - Chapter Seven

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"What do you plan on using that for?" Ivy inquired, trying her best to balance all of the books she had bought in one elbow. Alex grinned, proudly swinging the axe in her hands. It had been displayed on Merinan's table and, after Alex's whining for thirty minutes, Ivy reluctantly purchased it. They now trekked home, Sadie close behind them.

"Who knows," Alex began. "If you try to kill me, perchance, I could use it for self-defense." Sadie slowed her feet, lagging behind the two. She regretted agreeing to walk home with them. So far, all they had talked about was murder. Specifically, how Ivy allegedly committed one.

Sadie didn't know much about murder. She knew it was wrong. She knew to stay away from people who might have done it. She knew you could be arrested for it. Yet, here she was, walking home with a murderer and her said accomplice. In the middle of the woods. Where no one could hear her scream. She shifted uncomfortably in her shoes and kept walking.

They continued on that trail for another while, until the trio could see Ivy's house coming up in the distance. Alex continued walking, but Ivy and Sadie stopped. Sadie, because Ivy had stopped, and Ivy, because she knew something was about to happen if they went any further.

Something was off in the air. It was an unsettling aura, residing further in the forest towards Ivy's house. Something that didn't belong in her land was there. It was waiting for her. She took a few steps back and grabbed Sadie's hand. Sadie let out a startled yelp, and then, embarrassed with herself, shot her eyes to the ground. 

Ivy, terrible at interacting with people, completely misunderstood Sadie's reluctance to make eye contact. She brought a hand to the girl's chin and tilted it upwards, forcing the girl to either make look her in the eyes or completely shut them.

"Listen, girl," Ivy began. Her tone was slightly off, almost as if she was irritated. Just barely, though. It wouldn't have been noticeable until compared with her usual monotonous aura. "I know you're afraid of me. I know you look down on me for having killed someone. But I need you to look me in the eyes for a minute, okay? I need you to trust what I'm about to say, and then I need you to make a decision. This decision may affect a great portion of the rest of your life. Got it?" She said.

Sadie nodded. She wasn't sure about this decision in the least, but it would've been terribly awkward if she had shaken her head, the way Ivy was glaring at her.  Ivy nodded, mirroring Sadie. "There is someone at my house who shouldn't be there. Most likely someone working with the government. If you were listening to anything Alex and I have said in the past thirty minutes, you'll know that I've killed more than one person. As soon as I approach my house, I may become a wanted criminal." Sadie fidgeted a  bit, realising that a murderer had her in an easy-kill position. She gulped.

"As long as you're near Ivy when she approaches her house, you're her associate. They'll want you too. So, the decision- are you to go home safe, or have an adventure as a free criminal?" Sadie turned her eyes to the speaker. Alex sat with her axe slung over her shoulder and one hand on her hip. A smile lay on her face, and the way the sun rested so peacefully on her dense silhouette, you'd've thought she knew the answer to her every problem. Sadie didn't see how one could be so at peace when about to take on such a risky quest. But looking at Ivy's cold blue eyes, and Alex's twisted smile, she understood. They already knew what she was going to say. 

Sadie closed her eyes, pausing for a minute to remember her last thoughts as an innocent human. I always wanted to be free. I hated being shut away from the world. My closest desire was to escape. To run away. I wanted freedom more than anything else. So, if I can promise myself one thing, it's that I'll take this chance and I wont regret it. Sadie opened her eyes again, meeting with a pair of icy blue ones once more. "I'll do it. I'll go with you. I'll join you as a criminal," she said. Alex grinned, and Sadie could've sworn she saw the slightest smile hidden in the crevices of Ivy's lips.

Ivy released Sadie and turned back around, facing the outline of her residence in the sunset. "Alright, then. As of now, you two are my colleagues. As of the future, you two are well known criminals trying to escape the police. This is your life now."

Alex's hazel eyes sparkled in the dusk sun. Sadie seemed to radiate glee, like a bird freshly released from a cage. They must've looked so strange there; a pint-sized psychopath with an axe over one shoulder, a pudgy, tired looking girl dressed in all grey, and an enigmatic figure with auburn hair and olive skin, carrying a golden pocket watch and about a dozen books. That day, on August 10th, I suppose is when you could say it really began. The story, I mean.

Although, who's to say for sure when it began? Could've been any number of events that led to this. I, however, am merely the narrator. I have no say in this matter. On with the rest of the story, now!

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