Untitled - Chapter Two

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It all started on August ninth, on a particularly humid day. That was where they met. That was where it all began. She was walking home from school, following herself down that forest trail like she always did. Every now and then she'd have to make her way around some weeds and brambles, with the occasional thorn cutting through her run-down jeans. In her left hand sat her pocket watch, the chain wrapped loosely around her middle finger. She walked along the path, half unconscious, and yet she was completely aware of the one following her.

"You're the girl from my class," she said, monotone. "Alex, was it?"

The one following her inhaled sharply. She had known the whole time, and hadn't said a thing? This, it was exactly what she wanted. Ivy was meeting all of her expectations. She smiled and stood up, brushing the dirt off of her bare knees. "I got curious. The rumors in class that I've heard about you interest me. If you think I mean harm, you're wrong. I promise."

Ivy turned around to face her follower. She did a quick scan of the girl- knotted brown hair with a green blue streak through it was her most noticeable feature. Adding to that, she wore a baggy black hoodie that was so big on her it almost went down to her knees. If she was wearing any pants, they were too short too see. Plaid shoes from about a century back in trends lay on her feet, knee socks crinkled down around the rims. This girl clearly meant no harm.

"I know you have no ill intent for me. If you did, I would have said something sooner."

Alex gulped. So Ivy had  known all along. She wondered what her reason for keeping quiet was, but didn't ask. Her ego was too high for that. If she asked too many questions, she'd seem clueless, and she didn't want that. She wanted to impress. She tilted her head sideways in a playful way, moving her hands to her hips. "I guess if you know I'm here, this whole thing is pointless."

Ivy nodded and turned around, resuming her walk.

"What if you just walked with me instead of following me home?"

Alex paused. It was unexpected of Ivy to ask something like that so bluntly. She had given off the impression of someone who wanted to be alone, kept a secret. Yet, here she was, allowing a girl she doesn't even know to walk home with her. Perhaps she was curious about Alex in the same way? Either way, it didn't matter. Alex was allowed access into a person's life. That was a first.  This was clearly a chance she had to take.

She picked up her feet and ran after Ivy, the corners of her lips upturned. "Alright." Ivy said nothing. No emotion showed on her face. It was as if Alex wasn't even there. Alex knew this was normal, though. Ivy didn't have emotions as far as anyone knew. She was blank. Almost like she wasn't even alive in the first place. And that made her all the more interesting.

Reminded of what her goal in this was, Alex turned to face Ivy. "So," she started, breaking the silence. "I want to ask you something." Ivy remained void. Alex almost wanted the silence to stay how it was, unbroken. She was fearful to ask the question she was about to ask. Her smile disappeared, a solemn aura replacing it. "Are the rumors true?" she asked. Silence.

"... Did you really kill someone?"

 Did you really kill someone?"

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((Art on point. lmao not))

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