Chapter 2: School

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Two weeks passed.

Which meant school was just around the corner. Meaning, we had school today.

Calum and I tried to convince our mum to let us stay for the first day. It wasn't working.

"Please mum!" We cried in unison. "It's only the first day" I tried to explain.

"No, the first day is the most important! You meet your teachers, peers and there will be more new students as well for you to get along with. You'll be fine!" She tried to comfort us, but it didn't really help. "Now go get ready or else you'll be late!'

• • •

Our car pulled up to a large, red, brick building that seemed to be 2, maybe 3 stories high. Teenagers were scattered all around the lot, some with their friends, some alone, walking towards the school.

"Have a good first day! And I'll pick you guys up around 3:00pm." Our mum reassured us and told us that school would be fine. But we both weren't fine at all.

"Okay, thanks mum!" Calum replied, as the both of us got out of the car. The car ride was quiet for me. I was mad at my mum for making me go to school, and nervous that something might go wrong today.

Calum and I promised to hangout together for the first day, incase we didn't become friends with anyone. At least we had each other.

Cheesy, I know.

"Okay, make sure to text me at lunch so we can meet up somewhere in the school, okay?" I could hear the nervousness in Calum's voice when he said that. I could also tell he was nervous by his actions. Fast walking, weird hand movements and his eyes were glued on his feet as he paced towards the school.

"Mkay." I replied. I was reading my schedule and room numbers. English, pre-calculus, Arts Education and then Biology. But first, it said I needed to find my homeroom.

I had absolutely no idea what a homeroom was. But fortunately, they had a small description of a homeroom and where to go, which would save my life of embarrassment from walking in the wrong room.

"Hmm... Homeroom, a class that takes on average 15 minutes (30 minutes on the first day). It's an introduction to the new school year. You will also be coming here after any holiday breaks. 15 minutes of your teacher explaining the rules and whatnot, and the rest of the time will be spent talking to your classmates." I said, reading what was written on the schedule. "That's weird, we never had a homeroom in our old school." I whispered to myself.

Apparently I wasn't quiet enough because Calum heard.

"You know what's weird? The first day of school being a normal, full day. I mean, usually, schools have an early dismissal on the first day!" I laughed at Calum complaining.

We continued the path towards the school entrance, and Calum opened the door, inviting us in the school.

"Okay, remember what I said? Text me at lunch and don't forget that mum is picking us up after school, so meet me in the parking lot, alright?" Calum explained. He was being so protective, it was hilarious.

He continued to rant about things I 'should' and 'shouldn't' do. Calum also insisted that he would take me to my homeroom and he didn't really give me a choice for me to say 'no'. As soon as we reached my homeroom, silence fell over us.

"Well, see ya later, I have to get to my class. Bye Amelia." Calum said. "Bye Cal." I replied. He soon left, making his way to his class.

I placed my hand on the class door and sighed. I glanced up to Calum, who was already down the hall, heading to his class.

I turned the doorknob and fully opened the door to reveal a classroom full of students that were all staring, at me.

I turned my gaze to the teacher, who was also staring, and slowly made my way towards her with a note in my hand. The note explained who I was. As I came closer to the teacher, I started to notice her appearance. She wore a long, black pencil skirt, a purple blouse and a black cardigan to go with it. Her blonde hair just managed to fall down on her shoulders and her face was almost makeup-less. She looked about 30, maybe older, maybe younger.

After reading my note, she gave me a reassuring nod and told me she was Ms.Alton and would be our homeroom teacher for today and councillor for the year. She then turned towards the class of teens my age and said, "This is Amelia. She is a new student in our school. Be sure to introduce yourself!" The class stared blankly at me. I gave an awkward wave before Ms.Alton continued to speak. "Amelia, you can go find a seat where ever available."

I scanned my eyes across the room. There were a couple of empty seats beside people. One of them including a seat at the front beside a girl. She looked like a typical "popular" girl in every high school movie. Her hair was done up in a high ponytail and she wore a bright pink V neck with plain white shorts. What she was wearing looked awfully uncomfortable, which made me feel happy in my baggy Nirvana sweater with ripped jeans. Beside her was a boy, I'm guessing it was her boyfriend. And on the other side was another duplicate of her. I was not planning on sitting beside them, ever.

I looked in the back of the room and saw a completely empty table. Perfect! I thought to myself as I quickly made it to the table and set my backpack on the ground beside me.

The teacher started the to explain the basic rules of the school, until she was interrupted by the door opening.

In came a boy. He was my age with curly, light brown hair and tan skin. He was wearing a grey muscle tee and black jeans. But what caught my attention first was his eyes. His hazel eyes. They looked so inviting and cute.

"Sorry I'm late..." He said with a thick Australian accent.

"Of course you're late." A boy snickered from his seat. I glanced over to him. He was wearing a blue flannel and black jeans. His blonde hair was done up in a quiff, and his blue eyes seemed to pop out against his pale skin. He also had black lip ring, which had caught my attention first. (mwahahha)

"Shut up Luke." The curly haired boy replied. His dimples became visible as he smiled. He was standing in front of the class, as though he was waiting for instructions from the teacher.

Luke... That's the blue eyed boy's name.

"It's alright, just try to be on time for the rest of the year, Mr-um-" Ms.Alton was saying before she got interrupted by the curly haired boy.

"Irwin. Ashton Irwin."

•  •  •

A/N AHHHH!!! Cliff hanger (sorta)!! But at least Ashton and Luke made their appearance in this chapter. How are you liking the story so far? Also! I just want to thank for the amount of views and votes on the first chapter! Let's aim for 5 votes on this chapter! Thank you all for reading!


- Preet ❤️

Hello It's AnAn!
Haha do you guys think Luke and Ash are friends?
So yup just like Preet said, I hope you guys enjoy what we have so far and don't forget to comment any grammar or spelling mistakes along with just anything else you want to tell us.
Also, thanks for the people who have been voting and commenting in every chapter we have so far(:
Xx AnAn

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