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Steven: Ahh, Beacon, it's about time.

Leon: Tell me about it.

???: Steven.

Steven: Who's there?

???: Look behind you.

Steven: Who are-huh? Ciel?

Ciel: Hey Steven.
(Ciel camly gives him a hug)
Steven: Hey Ciel. Did you bring Nana with you?

Ciel: Yeah, she is gonna jump up and hug you in the next 5 seconds.

Steven: Ok...wait what!?

Nana: Steven!
(Nana rushes and tackles Steven)

Steven: Ah. Hi Nana.

Leon: You know these two?

Steven: Yeah. They are my friends.

Leon: Wait, they have that brace as well?

Steven: Ciel, it's best to tell him before I knock him out, right?

Ciel: Yes.

Steven: Alright. Leon, the brace on my arm symbolizes a God Eater. A God Eater is a person who hunts monsters called Aragami and collects their data. Ciel, Nana and I are all God Eaters.

Ciel: Yeah, also I have heard of Aragami sightings in a forest near here.

Nana: Who knows? It may be Vajra.

Steven: True. Lets go in and see what's there.

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