The Training Woods

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Steven: Ahh, finally, training day is here. Gotta make sure I have my weapons, especially the true prize.

Leon: Hey Steven.

Steven: Yeah?

Leon: Have you ever told me the name of your weapon yet?

Steven: Not really. This weapon is Ragnarok, it is a legendary gunblade passed down from my ancestors.

Leon: Oh ok.

Alisa: Come on you two, we gotta get to the Training Grounds!

Steven: Ok.

Leon: Alright then...wait, did we even have breakfast yet?
(The three rush to the Training Grounds)

Ozpin: Ah, good, all of you are here. This is the Training Grounds, you will be fighting Grimm and many other creatures. The first person you make eye contact with will be your partner for the next four years. In these woods, make sure you are prepared and have something to eat, no cookies Yang.

Yang: Aww...

Steven: Professor.

Ozpin: Yes?

Steven: So you are telling us to go into a forest, not knowing where to go, with no landing gear or protection?

Ozpin: Steven, that's a good question. You're being launched into the woods.

All: Wait what!?
(The launch pads send the to the woods)

All: Waaaaahhhhhh!!!!

Steven: *sigh* Damn you Ozpin. Ahh! I gotta think of a landing strategy! Ragnarok! Clone, Blade!

Ragnarok: Initiating clone sequence.
(Steven throws his blade to a tree before it clones, he the spots Grim soon after)

Steven: Sweet! Grimm! Ragnarok, initiate Gravity Spikes!

Ragnarok: Initiating Gravity Spikes.
(Steven slams his swords in to the ground at lightning speed)

Steven: Aw yeah this is happening! Woah! (Steven dodges a bullet and picks it up) It's a bullet! But why does it look familiar? Ragnarok, analyze this bullet.

Ragnarok: Analyzing Bullet...This bullet belongs to the weapon with an Impulse Edge, Blaze: L-Type Radial and the Blood Art, Sonic Caliber.

Steven: Wait! So that know what? I'm not all too surprised. Come on out Alisa.

Alisa: I thought you wouldn't notice the bullet.

Steven: I know your Impulse Edge and Blood Art very well. At least we are partners now, for four, long years.

Alisa: Heehee. I wonder who Soma and Lindow's partner is.

Steven: You mean Window?

Alisa: You know what I mean dammit!

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