Unknown Enemy

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Leon: (Hiding in a tree) Oh look! Grimm! Well, it's finally time to use my grenade launcher feature.
(Leon switches to his grenade launcher, but is quickly interrupted)

Leon: Woah! Who's there!?

???: ...

Leon: I'm not playing around, reveal yourself!

???: Azure Edge!
(Leon cuts the beam of light into two)

Leon: Gah! What was th- wait, Azure Edge? Hmm....

???: ...


Yuri: Heh, you got me. Guess we're partners for four years.

Leon: Seems about right. (Damn, I gotta be with HIM of all people?)
(Leon senses an incoming bullet from a sniper.)

Leon: Yuri! Look out!

Yuri: Wha!?
(The sniper bullet nearly missed him.)

Yuri: What the hell was that? Stop hiding!

???: Damn scum...
(The enemy flees from Leon and Yuri's sight)

Leon: Wait! Get back here!

Yuri: There's no need to go after him, he's escaped.

Leon: Next time I see him, I'll give him a royal ass kicking!

Yuri: Relax, let's go find these pieces Ozpin was talking about.

Leon: Sure, let's go!
(Leon and Yuri run off to find the pieces)

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